
Please Could Someone Add A Background To My Website?

I’m looking for some help with adding a background to my Weebly website. I’ve tried everything, following step by step guides, trial and error copying and pasting codes, chatting to the Weebly live support team, but I just cannot add a background to my website. 

I’m not technology minded, and CSS codes are completely alien to me. I’m looking for an outer background, not the inner box (which I know you can change without messing around with the CSS codes). I have the image saved, that I would like to use. 

Please could someone here help add a background for me if I provided a temporary password? I know this is slightly risky asking, but I really am desperate. I just cannot publish my website until a background is added as it doesn’t look finished, but I am at a complete loss. 

Thanks in advance Smiley Happy 

Message 1 of 3

@MizukiiMoon:  Perhaps I am misunderstanding your definition of background, but with new weebly themes it is pretty straight formward and does not require any messing around with code.  Unless you are using an old weebly theme or third party themes.  It seems you have spent lot of time on this.  May be it is time for you to hire some one and explain what you want to do.

Message 4 of 3


Put out a query that you're looking for this kind of help.

They give you the answer (code, etc) and YOU make the changes.

You pay them when you're satisfied.

Alternately, you could give someone from Fiverr.com access to your Weebly account to make the changes.

Just make sure nothing of importance (ecommerce banking info for example) is there when you give them access.

Then you change your password after the work is complete.

Good Luck

Message 4 of 3
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