
How can I add a affiliate link to my weebly blog

I just started a blog with weebly recently.  I am trying to add a affiliate link to monetize my website but am unable to do so. I am trying to add it on the side bar of my blog. I tried using the embed code button but haven't found success. Anyone know how to add a HTML affiliate link.?

Message 1 of 13
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Hi, @lee88!

The embed code element is what you should use - sorry to hear that it's not working for you. What happens when you try to use that element?



Weebly Community Manager

Message 14 of 13
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I pasted the code in the box but how do I save it? Do I press the PUBLISH button? It could also be that the HTML affiliate link may that I pasted may not be active. It's a new account. I will wait until my site is approved first. Thanks for confirming that this is what I need to use (embed code).

I post back in a few days and let you know if the link is working.

Thanks for your quick reply 

Message 14 of 13
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I do links in two ways, with text and images.  With text, I ad a textbox, type in the text, highlight the area I want, and there is the Link button in the text editing bar. Click on that, select the option to an outside webpage, fill in the website URL, and close.  It will become active when you PUBLISH the page.  For an image or logo, there is a Link tool in the image basic positioning toolbox.  It has the same basic instructions.  You can make the links open in the existing page or open in a new page. Your choice.  I prefer to open in a new page. That way, they always have your page there, and don't need to back up a lot to get back to your page. The links will not be active until the page is published.

If the account is brand spanking new, it will take a few days to get approved and started, even if you have already published.  Once you can open your browser and see your site when you type in the address, you are good to go.

Message 14 of 13
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Once you've added the code to the element, just click outside of it like any other element then publish your site.

Since it's a new code it might take time to serve an add like you mentioned, though.

Message 14 of 13
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Thank You Guys and Gals, 


The "embed code" button works.  I just copy and pasted my affiliate link into it and then published my website and the affiliate banner worked.  The beuaty of this is you can also re-position your banners anywhere on your webpage. 

Thanks Again for much needed help!

Message 14 of 13
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Glad to help!

Message 14 of 13
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I am having a difficult time adding my affilliate code from Amazon onto my weebly site too. I use "embed Code" and then Edit code fine and it pastes in okay.... when when I click off I get the greyed out box with the little frowning face and dog-eared corner. If I go to publish the page is blank.

The page is here: http://www.johnrinker.ca/resources.html

This is the code from Amazon

<iframe style="width:120px;height:240px;" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?ServiceVersion=20070822&OneJS=1&Operation=GetAdHtml&MarketPlace=US&source=ac&ref=tf_til&ad_type=product_link&tracking_id=beebalm-20&marketplace=amazon&region=US&placement=0996989544&asins=0996989544&linkId=5a6a8585ea682170bb4b907876c997bb&show_border=true&link_opens_in_new_window=true&price_color=333333&title_color=0066c0&bg_color=ffffff">

Thanks for any help you might be able to offer-


Message 14 of 13
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It's not unusual for iframe content like that to not load in the editor, although it should work on the live site. When I check the page you linked I see an ad which I assume is coming from your embed code element:


Message 14 of 13
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When I try using embed code and click outside the box, my screne just goes white.  Then if I try to publish it, I just see a loading button that never seems to finish.  I'm using a javascript code, is that okay?

Message 14 of 13
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Hello weebblog! What page are you seeing that on? We'll be glad to check it out.

Message 14 of 13
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I am adding an affiliate link from Amazon on my Weebly website.

Do you know if it is possible to change the font, the color and especially the size of the text for the link so it is more visible?

For exampe here : http://www.lesenfantssontformidables.com/store/p300/Set_Bagages_Cuties_and_Pals_Valise_trolley_et_sa...

Thanks !!!

Message 14 of 13
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That link should be using the font options set for links on the Theme tab in "Change Fonts". If you update what you have there it should style that link for you. That will affect all links on your site, though, so I would keep that in mind when making any changes.

Message 14 of 13
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