
Header Editor FAILURE

The new header editor is horrendous. I used to be able to use oversized images and center them within the visible area so that just the portion of the image I wanted to show would be visible. Now, everything has to be the exact size, I can't move the image around to get just what I want to show. I can't even do a basic header that has a background color or color gradiant with text on it. It now HAS to be an image, and it HAS to be an exact size. Anybody know what that size is?? That would certainly be helpful!

I want something that works, I DO NOT want to have to learn to use things like PhotoShop just to be able to put an image in my header. As of right now, not realizing this, I've replaced my current header image with something that doesn't fit correctly and looks like garbage. I'm going to end up removing the headers completely. I don't have the knowledge of how to do photo editing, so now I have to figure out how to make my pages look good with no headers at all.

How do you resize an image to get it to fit within the area that the header uses, and just what size is that anyway? Beats me, the header editor doesn't even have this BASIC feature. I use the editor here because I'm not a professional website designer, but now, with this rediculous new editor, I have to be... Bring back the old one or give those of us that still have the ability to use FLASH a choice in which to use. The new editor is a MAJOR failure, and should NOT be a forced, permanent, replacment until it at least has the basic features of its predecessor.

Message 1 of 36

So, Adam, where's the fix?  It's been three weeks, and no word on progress yet...

Message 37 of 36

Which aspect of the concerns people raised did you want to know about? I can try and get a status update but I wasn't sure which of the issues you were looking for an update on.

Message 37 of 36

I'm looking to be able to do what I could before it changed.  In other words, size pictures in the editor, have text that matches the rest of my site in the headers, and be able to make that text look "fancy" again.  The biggest issues for me are the first two:  sizing/cropping pictures and having text options that match the font I use everywhere else.

Any word on how these things are progressing?

Message 37 of 36

Ahh, ok, thanks for clarifying. I don't know if we're going to make any additions to the fonts available right now.

Regarding cropping, it looks like a lot of the trouble is that the cropping tool doesn't match the ratio of the header image area, so it makes it tough to know how your crop will look on the site. We are working on changing the cropping area so that it matches the ratio of the header image area - that way you can see exactly which part of the image will be shown.

You should be able to resize a regular image by clicking on an image element, then clicking and dragging the small blue square on the bottom-right of the image.

Message 37 of 36

Is there a particular reason we can't get more fonts?  I have one extremely ugly page now because it doesn't match the font on the rest of them--or the font on the rest of the site.

Message 37 of 36

I have to say that I do like the adjustments you made to the picture sizing--that seems to fix the problem and it wasn't too hard to figure out.  Thank you for fixing that.

Message 37 of 36

Hello dreelyn! 

We aren't done with adding features onto the editor just yet, though we don't have an ETA for any more additions.

Message 37 of 36

@dreelyn - They have a habbit of not telling people things ahead of time.  They just drop the code to the platform and expect all of us to 'deal with it.'  I'm tired of dealing with it.  Looking at other possibilitites.

Message 37 of 36

Since I'll need to add more pages soon I created two heeder templates in Photoshop Elements, one for each of my primary sites (these are just sites I use to keep track of our travels and organize photos, etc. but they have become fairly extensive).  Bests I could figure is that the standard header is 920 by 226 pixels. The templates I created allow me full control over the text (font, colors, placement) as well as the ability to position the photo as I like within the frame of the header.  Once I have it looking pretty in PSE I save the header as a JPG and it is ready to load to Weebly.  Tried it today and it seems to work well.  Actually gives me more control (particularly in terms of font and background colors) than in the header editor, but it does add a few steps to the process.  So work arounds are possible.  I think anyone with minimum skills in PSE (like me!) could set up a similar template.  Granted my header design is pretty basic and it is static, but that's all I'm looking for.


Message 37 of 36

I agree with all the complaints above. To take away a feature that apparently many of us have used in creating our websites without a) telling us, and b) offering a satisfactory alternative solution is just ludicrous. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, FIX THIS. I wasted a ton of hours trying to solve this myself, thinking I must just have forgotten how to do this since I don't work on my website sometimes for fairly long periods of time. Now I have two major things I need to get up and am totally stymied. This is unacceptable.

Message 37 of 36

I find the new header editor impossible to use wih image files. Even when it appears good before the Save, after the save it has been resized so that only a portion of the image can be seen, which makes me wonder about the meaning of wysiwyg. I have not tried text.  I am changing a header of an existing page, and can no longer restore the image that was there before.

Adam said that the engineers were working on this 2 weeks ago. Will we be told when there is a solution?

I agree with everyone who has complained about the fact that it was changed without notification and apparently without proper testing.

Message 37 of 36

Header areas have a specific aspect ratio, and it's not immediately clear what that ratio is when you're editing an image. This results in what you've seen where parts of the image might be shown or cropped on the live site that you didn't expect.

Our engineering and product team are working to improve this experience - I don't have an ETA on when that will change, though. Thanks for your patience!

Message 37 of 36

I understand leaving flash but what was simple has become quite frustrating and difficult.

While your engineers work on a solution it might be helpful to tell us what size our image needs to be for standard full header and short header. One of the users suggested 920 x 226 pixels for standard header.

Thanks, I love Weebly and have used it for 7 years but I want it to get it easier not harder.

Message 37 of 36

Hey guys! We just released an update which changes the cropping tool to accurately reflect the aspect ratio of the header area. This should make it easier to tell what part of an image is going to be shown on the live site.

Message 37 of 36

Adam, can we PLEASE have the old editor back with all of those cool text fonts and all the other features that are now missing? I don't even see an option to add pictures or my own logos that I made anymore. PLEASE give us the old editor! Thank you.
Message 37 of 36
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