
Best way to offer gift wrapping

It appears Weebly does not offer an option to add Gift Wrapping (w/ associated fee) to the checkout. 

As a workout, I could:

1. Add it as an item

2. Add it to every item as a variation 

Neither are good options. Both are clunky and not user or seller friendly.

Adding it as an item means it takes extra time and effort for the buyer to find it - meaning it will likely be missed/overlooked. Lost service to buyer and lost revenue to seller.

Adding it to every single item changes how my item prices appear - making things look more expensive. It could be confusing for the buyer if they are purchasing multiple products that they want wrapped together. It would also be very time consuming for the seller. 

Does anyone have a better suggestion for how to do this?

I hope this is on Weebly's list of enhancements. This is a basic feature that most ecommerce sites offer. 

Thank you.

Message 1 of 2

Thank you for the feedback! Please feel free to add this to our feature request board. I'm sure other sellers would also be interested in a feature like this. 

Message 3 of 2
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