Posted 10-04-2022 in Weebly Website
93 Replies
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@Adam @Bernadette@NJRFTFHi greetings from KenyaI am using the disable right click and disable keyboard short cuts like CTRL P with good effect.But a friend was ...
Extremely FRUSTRATING! I have used many web design programs over the years and Weably is the miost frustrating, the MOST UN-user friendly program I have ever us...
I own a cidery, we make hard cider (alcoholic) that we sell in 32oz bottles to go (growlers)Once you buy a growler you can re-use the bottle, I am trying to hav...
I have been trying to pay for my account and even prior to it expiring I could not access my payment area.I have tried Customer support and cannot wait any long...
Hello, I've created categories and selected the items but they are not showing up online.
I deleted my weebly website because I moved my services to Square. However, I need access to my old domain associated to weebly. I can no longer access my old d...
Hello!This is my first post here, and I've been enjoying using Weebly a lot. However, I would like to hide the prices, quantity and the availability buttons on ...
Hi there - I'm not that comfortable with css - what code would I paste (and where!) to make the navigation menu words not so light? They are difficult to read -...