Posted 10-04-2022 in Weebly Website
93 Replies
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The view on an iphone and android is different. Not sure what is the issue as I am using a responsive theme. any ideas?Android ViewiPhone ViewObviously the ipho...
Hi guys,I've changed the wording of the "buy now" button in the area where I manage products to "purchase". I've hit "publish" and when I check it from a visito...
Hi allAt checkout I have a black background in the spaces for customes to fill out their details and at the moment the font is also black so it cant be seen.How...
I recently (an hour ago) signed up for a Weebly website and paid $29. However, due to lack of guidance, signed up for an online store instead of website. Weebly...
Hi there,I've moved from the place where I was looking after the Weebly website and another has taken over with another web builder. I need to cancel my domain ...
Hello Admin,I created a Free Site under the Paid Site in Weebly. Now I'd like to upgrade the free one to pro plan. What should I do now? Please guide me step by...
I did an inspect element of my webpage and it says that the slideshow is "wslide", but I can't find that anywhere in the CSS. All I want to do is adjust the pad...
Hola,Tengo mi dominio registrado en weebly desde enero de 2017. Este año al caducar mi tarjeta de crédito y no darme cuenta, la ...
I am trying to set up a product in my store as a donation. I am not finding that it is allowing me to do this as per the Weebly help page. Anyone have suggestio...
Has anyone else on here had a problem with 301 redirect disappearing.I have been working on a site for the last month, a large site with over a thousand 301 red...