
Can't upload a pdf file

Hello. I'm a new Weebly user. My publisher created the account for me. It's a basic plan. I'm trying to upload a pdf file. A message pops up saying "Invalid File Type. Sorry this file type isn't supported to be uploaded." I upgraded to a Pro plan but I'm getting the same message. Can you help me? 



Message 1 of 8
1 Best Answer

Best Answer


OK. Do this:

1. Drag an image element to your page

2. Upload a PDF icon (jpg or png) - or some sort of image pertaining to your PDF file

3. Click on the uploaded image and open 'Link'

4. Click on 'File'

5. Click on 'Upload'

6. Upload your PDF (I find it better to also click 'open in new window')

When a visitor to your website clicks on the icon/image the PDF will open in a new window and they can either read the doc on screen or download.

If you want the PDF to be downloadable only and not readable on screen - drag a File element to your page and upload the PDF to that. A PDF icon will automatically appear with a download option underneath.

Hope this helps, Gary

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Message 9 of 8


You can certainly upload a PDF to Weebly. Can you provide more information? For example, are you trying to upload directly to the Assets folder, or via the File element, or via the Scribd document element, or via an image element? Do you want the PDF to be downloadable only or readable on the webpage?


Message 9 of 8

Hey Gary,

Thanks for the reply. I have to confess, I am a novice to Weebly and the backend of websites in general, so bear with me. I tried to upload the file via an image element. Basically, I tried to drag and drop my file into an image area. I'd like the PDF to be downloadable. 


Message 9 of 8

Best Answer


OK. Do this:

1. Drag an image element to your page

2. Upload a PDF icon (jpg or png) - or some sort of image pertaining to your PDF file

3. Click on the uploaded image and open 'Link'

4. Click on 'File'

5. Click on 'Upload'

6. Upload your PDF (I find it better to also click 'open in new window')

When a visitor to your website clicks on the icon/image the PDF will open in a new window and they can either read the doc on screen or download.

If you want the PDF to be downloadable only and not readable on screen - drag a File element to your page and upload the PDF to that. A PDF icon will automatically appear with a download option underneath.

Hope this helps, Gary

Message 9 of 8

You, sir, are a genius! I'm so glad you helped me with this. As it turns out, the hi-res cover illustrations of my books that I uploaded were only static images - not downloadable. Using your instructions, I fixed that problem as well. 

Thanks again.


Message 9 of 8

I have added an image and done the above process to link it to an uploaded pdf, but when I visit my site, the image is not actually clickable. I can't see any problem in how I did the settings on the image. And in another place on my site, I successfully linked a piece of text to an uploaded pdf.

Can you help? I want people to be able to click on the cover image of a pdf in order to download the pdf. (I don't want it just linked to a generic "pdf" image like you get when you drag the File to the page)



Message 9 of 8


First thought - have you re-published your site since you uploaded the PDF? Links won't work until you do this.


Message 9 of 8

Hi Gary,

Really interesting -- it is clickable now. I believe I did re-pulbish the site because I tried that several times while determining that it wasn't clickable.

But I also did something else: I uploaded the pdf by inserting a File from the menu (dragging it in). That gave me the generic pdf with download link. Then I reinserted the pdf in the Link section of the Image properties. Then finally I deleted the place where I had dragged the file in, just leaving the clickable image. THEN it worked.

I wonder if the pdf has to uploaded explicitly first (onto the webpage), and only then linked to from the image. It makes sense now that I think about it.

Anyway, thanks for your response! I'm glad it is working now.

Take care,


Message 9 of 8
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