
Weebly - use www. and https:// URLs

Good afternoon,


Is there anyway to use both the www. and https:// URLs with Weebly?  The domain is hosted elsewhere but both @ and www A records have been set.

https:// works but www. gives a 404 error


I'm going round and round in circles with the customer success team so would be grateful for any help.


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Square Community Moderator

Welcome to the Square Seller Community, @bitznpcz 👋


The www subdomain should automatically route, or forward to the secure URL for the root domain. Can you post your URL here so we can take a look at the settings? Does this happen when you are typing into the address bar, or does the error occur if you link the domain in an email, or post on social media? 

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Good morning,


Thanks for replying.


It's a website for a school and the DNS is hosted elsewhere.


https://deerpark.derbyshire.sch.uk works but www.deerpark.derbyshire.sch.uk

does not


(copy and paste the www address as there's a typo in the link)


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Square Community Moderator

Welcome again to the Seller Community, @bitznpcz


I believe this is because you cannot have two subdomains for the URL (with Weebly), and "www" is considered a subdomain. 


Can you post a screenshot of your DNS so we can take a look at how it is setup?




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