
UK postcodes.. test failure

Hi, I have been testing my woo commerce website checkout page linked to Square using sandbox mode without any issues up until now, all the correct card details are correct the input card number is ok valid from is ok CVV is ok and I've noticed that next to the CVV field, displays part of the UK postcode (3) digits if I delete these 3 (digits)  the error keeps returning as postcode incorrect. I have tried using both upper case and lower case, without success, but the same problem continues, no spaces are left out I just input the norm for a UK postcode, this has been a problem since the recent upgrade any help on this would be greatly received Thank you.

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Square Community Moderator

Hey @Sven, welcome to Square's seller community. I'm sorry to hear you've encountered this issue!


This sounds like something our API Engineering team will need to look into, so it'll be best to contact the team directly on their Developer Forums. They will be able to look into it further that way. 

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As the test payment cards are all US based, you will need to use a valid US zip code, eg: 35004


This drove me mad for ages, would be useful to have sandbox payment cards from different countries 🙂

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