
Problems with Images on Website

I am having issues with the image scrolling on items on my website where there are more than a couple of photos.  The first couple start off centred and fully visible but, as I scroll across, they gradually become more and more off-centre until some options show half of one photo and half the other.  Has anyone else experienced this? 


It is fine on the mobile version of the website, but not the laptop/desktop version.


Here is one of the item links, as an example:




I'm not sure what to do as everything is set as 1:1 ratio and, as mentioned, works fine on the mobile version.


Any help would be gratefully received!




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Square Community Moderator

Welcome back to the Community, @adorafashion - 


Sorry to hear you're having issue with the image scrolling on your site. I appreciate you providing that link, because I could see it on my end as well. 


I want to get you in touch with our Square Online Team, so they can take a deeper look into this. When you have some time, could you reach out to them directly: 0800 - 098 8008. Or you can reach out via email: https://squ.re/2Q3nJBG 


Thank you!

Community Moderator, Square
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