
Delivery Details Not Showing

I use delivery only and not pick up as an option on my store which is set up via weebly. Randomly today the date and time where the customer schedules delivery has dissapeared from orders tab for each customer but are still visible in the email confirmation. Furthermore they are now showing as with a shipping weight which is totally random as I do not use shipping but only local delivery. Could someone please assist as I honestly feel we get no direct support from weebly or Square and sometimes random changes occur which require a phone call or an update to just say "hey guys we are making changes"..., something is going on today as I have made no changes myself whatsoever. 


Please assist if you can 

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Square Champion

I’d try resetting your delivery settings, also using the emails for now, and if you’re missing anything email/text the customer to gather missing information you need for their delivery, also I believe the team are aware of a dummy address issue that was repaired, is it similar to this? 

Matt - He/They
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