
Checkout on mobile not working



My site is not allowing customers to get from the cart page to checkout. Instead it is showing a blank page with only my logo at the top.


This is only happening on mobile - desktop is fine - and I have tried using different browsers, safari and firefox, and am experiencing the same problem across all of them.


Is there a setting I've toggled wrong?


Thanks so much,






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Hey @EBal1, thank you for flagging this!


I had a look at the website on my end using an iPhone and was able to get from the cart page to checkout on both Safari and Google Chrome. 


Image from iOS.jpeg


Image from iOS 1.jpeg



Here are some troubleshooting steps that usually help with these issues:

  • Make sure your browser is up to date.
  • Clear the cache on your browser. Access the Help menu of your browser to locate step-by-step instructions.
  • Switch to a supported browser, such as Google Chrome.

If none of these troubleshooting tips work, can you let me know?

  • The exact version of your web browser. To find this, visit whatwebbrowser.com.
  • Confirm the device you’re using (PC, Mac, iPad, Android device, etc.)
  • Include any applicable images or screenshots of errors you’re seeing. For instructions on how to take a screenshot, visit take-a-screenshot.org. If you have a screen recording of how the issue happen, that'd be great!



Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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