Recent Discussions
I can't seem to get my website to connect to domain and publish. Please help? My account name on weebly, is under
I enabled Comp/Void, but the option to delete an Open Ticket went away, and I can only Void open tickets. The issue is that every time I void an Open Ticket, I ...
What I want is to take terminal to flea market, sell with square terminal off line. Take device home after the sales day and let device connect with my home wif...
How do I give my mobile cashiers permission to connect a chip reader?
I just noticed that 9 transactions didn’t go through is there any way that I can still get that money into my account.?
I have the contact us option on my website. They enter their name and email and question and hit submit. I am not receiving an email from them when they do so a...
Does anyone know how or even if I can put my bbb seal as well as my homeadvisor seal on my receipt
[The title of this thread has been edited from the original: Can a customer request a refund without (permission or knowledge ) from your square account ?] Hi....
Is it possible to have a report stating how much the product costs to be made versus the amount we sold it for to see the profit gained by the purchase?