
This item can't be sold online because it's not fulfillable at any of your locations

I'm trying to sell an Event item online. I have everything set up correctly from what I can see - pickup is enabled at the location I'm selling, have set a stock amount, enabled online selling for the item etc, but the item displays as Unavailable and below is this message - 


"This item can't be sold online because it's not fulfillable at any of your locations. To fix this, make sure you have enabled Pickup for your locations, or modify the availability at those locations by going to your Square Dashboard."
If the item is set to Physical and all settings are the same it seems to work, but changing to an event and it goes wrong. Is there something I'm missing that's stopping it from being sold? Thanks
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Hi @Crabsticks, thanks for your post and apologies for the delayed response! 


I had a look and for non-physical items, you won’t need to set a fulfilment method for these types of items, so it seems we can rule that out as the issue here. 


Do you have many locations set up on your account? Can you double-check that you have Pickup and Delivery settings enabled for all of your active locations? 


If not, please enable it and check if the error message still appears. Let me know how it goes! 

Community Moderator, Ireland, Square
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Thanks for replying. We have two locations set up identically, with pickup enabled. We already sell online with no issues, it seems in this case it's something related to selling an item as an Event.

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Thanks, @Crabsticks I would get in touch with our support team directly if you're still experiencing this issue so that they can take a look at this event and it's settings on the backend. 

Community Moderator, Ireland, Square
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