
Is there a way to have the tip percentages based on the full transaction with gift cards?

I have set tip percentages set up on our point of sale that get calculated after tax. The issue is when a customer uses a gift card for less than the amount due and then completes the transcation using their credit card. The tip percentage is then based off from the credit card payment and not the entire transaction amount. Is there a setting that I am missing?

Message 1 of 7

@cozalder Great question! With split tender, a tip cannot be applied to the total amount. Tipping will be available for every card transaction used in each split-charge.


However, if the gift card doesn't have enough money on it to cover a tip, you won't see the option to add a tip. The tip will then based on the remaining amount charged to the credit card.


I do see how it would be preferable for tips to be calculated on the total amount! If that feature is available in future we'll update this thread to let you know. 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 2 of 7

@Helen @@I experience the same problem! I take deposits when clients are booking their service... So when I'm charging them the remaining amount after their service, whether through split payments so I can document the deposit via cash or by using discount option to minus off the deposit! The tip percentage is only based on the remaining balance! I know that you said you would update this post if there are any changes! But I'm curious if there is even talks on whether square will be updating this? Or most likely not? ?  As split payments can often also be the same client/customer just simply wanting to pay with 2 different forms of payment! So being able to have an option for tip percentage to be based off the Total Amount I'm sure would be a great asset for many square users! In fact the prompted tip option is the main reason of what drew me to using square instead of only taking cash or etransfers! 

Message 3 of 7

Thanks for your post @iLumi! I'm afraid I can't share a timeline for when this might be available in future, but I have also shared your request with the payments team. Thanks for letting us know why you need this!


Have you tried changing your tipping settings to allow custom amounts? That way customers could enter a more appropriate tip amount if the tip is way off for the remaining charge. 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 4 of 7

After 3 years, I guess it's time to bump this thread. they've released a bunch of major new updates lately. Any progress on this? There is a workaround, but I don't think square would like it much. That is to charge the deposit, then refund the deposit and charge the customer the whole amount. I'm not going to make this a practice. It's tacky and unethical. I'm just saying, square, this costs workers a bunch of money. maybe you'd fix it if it cost you the money instead?

Message 5 of 7
Square Community Moderator

Hi @bloomwinetours,


Thank you for writing back in and letting us know this is still something you're hoping we improve. We don't have an update on this feature request at the moment, but our product teams and engineers monitor our Seller Community for feedback and feature requests frequently. 


When you issue a refund for a transaction, Square's fees are also refunded, so you don't pay any fees for issuing refunds in the current workaround you're using.  


We appreciate you sharing suggestions like this, as they help us make the changes that you'd like to see. Once we have an update, we'll be sure to tag you in this thread to notify you.  



Message 6 of 7

I’m having the same problem. I take some pretty big deposits and this really affects my tips. Even an option where if you can start with the total number, subtract the deposit amount, etc. It’s not a hard option to have maybe even 1,2, or 3 alternate or preset tip options. With the features and options we have with advancements and algorithms I’m confused as to why square hasn’t made this a priority. Especially, considering such a large majority of service providers use their services. It’s time to make this an option! 

Message 7 of 7
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