
How can I edit the text of the Pickup Instructions and Order Confirmation email?

The title of this post has been edited from the original: How to change store email body text


I found where to change the headers and footers, however the default details are incorrect for my business.


It says customers pickups will be ready in 1 hour.  This was their default email. 

You will receive an email once your order is ready for pickup. You can pick it up any time during business hours. Go to the register, give your name and order number, and the sales associate will locate your order.


I don't have business hours listed as its my home business, so i need to change this.


Thanks for your help! 

Message 1 of 147
3 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: I need help editing order confirmation email body text

Sorry for the confusion here, @ncff!

You won't be editing your pickup instructions on this page, but rather by heading to your Online DashboardSettings Pickup & Delivery > select location to view side menu > scroll down to Pickup settings > click the Edit button:

You'll be brought to this screen, where you can edit the pickup instructions:

These will appear in a couple of places. First, your customer will see them during the checkout flow, before placing their order:

After placing their order, the pickup instructions will also be included in the email that is sent to them letting them know their order is ready for pickup:



To further clarify for anyone who currently has Curbside Pickup enabled, your customers will see this messaging:
To pick up your order, call XXX-XXX-XXXX when you are outside the pickup location.

If you do not want this messaging to replace your pickup instructions, we recommend disabling Curbside Pickup, as the ability to edit this messaging is currently considered a feature request. I hope this helps, but please let me know if you still have questions! 

Verified Answer

Re: Edit Pickup Instruction in Email Sent to Customers

Hi! Thanks for reaching out! Aside from editing the pickup instructions, which I've included below, make sure your prep time aligns with when you want the orders picked up. This could also be causing the trouble. 


In order to edit your pickup instructions and check your pickup prep times you will need to go to Pickup & Delivery on your Online Store Dashboard then select your location you want to edit. Scroll down until you see Pickup Settings (at the bottom) and click "Edit." Scroll to the bottom again and you can edit the text to give your customers their pickup instructions.



Don't forget to hit save either. 🙂


Also, can you please provide a link to the article you found that was out of date? I would love to take a look at it and see if I need to edit it or simply archive it. Thank you!

Verified Answer

Re: How to change store email body text

Are you wanting to edit the default text shown above, @EGallo?


The default/test email is going to provide vague information related to each fulfillment option (pickup, shipping, etc). The actual email sent to your customers will be specific to the item ordered. Did you process a test order to see the actual email that is sent - as opposed to the preview?


If so, you can edit this content by heading to your website editor:


1. Select Settings from the left-hand sidebar menu, then Email Setup.

2. Once here, you'll scroll down a bit until you see the Email Previews section.

3. I believe the snippet above is from the Order Confirmation email - so go ahead and click the three dots to the right of that option.



4. Select Edit Email - this will take you to your email editor.

5. You have a sidebar on the left-hand side of the screen - pop that out and drag/drop the Text option directly above the default text. 




6. Now you'll click into the text area to edit. Once you've edited and saved, try testing an order - you should see the default text isn't included in the email sent.




You can also add images - and much more - using the sidebar menu. Let us know if questions about the editor come up! If this isn't what you were looking to do, please let me know, @tcooll77.

2 Best Answers

Best Answer

Are you wanting to edit the default text shown above, @EGallo?


The default/test email is going to provide vague information related to each fulfillment option (pickup, shipping, etc). The actual email sent to your customers will be specific to the item ordered. Did you process a test order to see the actual email that is sent - as opposed to the preview?


If so, you can edit this content by heading to your website editor:


1. Select Settings from the left-hand sidebar menu, then Email Setup.

2. Once here, you'll scroll down a bit until you see the Email Previews section.

3. I believe the snippet above is from the Order Confirmation email - so go ahead and click the three dots to the right of that option.



4. Select Edit Email - this will take you to your email editor.

5. You have a sidebar on the left-hand side of the screen - pop that out and drag/drop the Text option directly above the default text. 




6. Now you'll click into the text area to edit. Once you've edited and saved, try testing an order - you should see the default text isn't included in the email sent.




You can also add images - and much more - using the sidebar menu. Let us know if questions about the editor come up! If this isn't what you were looking to do, please let me know, @tcooll77.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 22 of 147

Best Answer

Sorry for the confusion here, @ncff!

You won't be editing your pickup instructions on this page, but rather by heading to your Online DashboardSettings Pickup & Delivery > select location to view side menu > scroll down to Pickup settings > click the Edit button:

You'll be brought to this screen, where you can edit the pickup instructions:

These will appear in a couple of places. First, your customer will see them during the checkout flow, before placing their order:

After placing their order, the pickup instructions will also be included in the email that is sent to them letting them know their order is ready for pickup:



To further clarify for anyone who currently has Curbside Pickup enabled, your customers will see this messaging:
To pick up your order, call XXX-XXX-XXXX when you are outside the pickup location.

If you do not want this messaging to replace your pickup instructions, we recommend disabling Curbside Pickup, as the ability to edit this messaging is currently considered a feature request. I hope this helps, but please let me know if you still have questions! 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 118 of 147
146 REPLIES 146
Square Community Moderator



Hmm, sounds the email customers are receiving is confirmation for curbside pickup which instructs them to call your location when they're outside. 


As long as curbside is enabled on your account, this information should be appearing for customers. Strange, indeed. 

After running this by some of our Ecomm Team Members, they suggested that you flag this over to our Support Team directly for more troubleshooting. We want to make sure this gets resolved quickly for you, and they can approach the issue with a more 'hands-on' path.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 85 of 147

Would love to be able to customize the text sent to customers for emails after they place an order and when their order is ready. I need to place specific instructions for pickup that would be easier to communicate if I could edit the mass email. 


I looked around and this appears to be a common frustration for Square Online/Weebly function. I would like to cast my vote for this to be an editing option for users. 




Message 86 of 147
Square Champion



Go to your Square Online Dashboard for Weebly ----> Email Setup --->Go down to i.e. Order Confirmation --->  Click on the 3 dots to the right ---->  Edit E-Mail


There is a complete e-mail editor with links for social media, logos, header messages.  There are a few fields that you cannot edit that are required on the e-mail (I.E. Pickup instructions are pulled from where you have it put in for in store pickup etc.)


So you can tailor your automatic online e-mails to suit your orders add custom info, links to your website etc.


Hope this helps you get the look/information you want to your customers.



Multi-Unit Manager
Order Up Cafe/Tombras Cafe/Riverview Cafe/City County Cafe
Roddy Vending Company, Inc.

Using Square since July, 2017
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Message 87 of 147

Thank you Donnie. I had tried that and all the parts I can edit do look good (Go to your Square Online Dashboard for Weebly ----> Email Setup --->Go down to i.e. Order Confirmation ---> Click on the 3 dots to the right ----> Edit E-Mail)


When I look at what is typed in the 'Pickup' instructions, it does not match what I have typed in the instructions under pickup settings. And, it won't let me edit that section. When I do a test email that section does not even show up!


Is there something I'm missing? Is there another step to get them to sync?



Message 88 of 147



Yea, it's a little confusing -- it took me months to realize that is just filler text, and doesn't actually show up in your emails & texts.


What does show up is your Pickup Instructions when you go into your Square Online dashboard, Settings, Pickup & Delivery, and then set up for your location.

Pesso - he/him
Pesso's Ices & Ice Cream
Square Super Seller - I'm here to help!
Message 89 of 147
Square Champion



Here is my power tip to really test your online ordering system.


1.  Make a 100% discount and give it an obscure code like 5455TESTORDER  or whatever etc.

2.  Go to an incognito browser (Chrome) or phone or some other tablet or computer. 

3.  Order an item or two, put in alternate e-mail address you don't use often etc. or enlist the help of a spouse, son, daughter, friend, random stranger.

4.  Use your free discount code and run the order through.


This will allow you to run a real world test order and coupon code and see what you get with e-mails, marking an order in progress, etc.  I just disable my code or give it a 2 day expiration etc. 

Multi-Unit Manager
Order Up Cafe/Tombras Cafe/Riverview Cafe/City County Cafe
Roddy Vending Company, Inc.

Using Square since July, 2017
Square Champion
Breaker of Things

"Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment."

"You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want." Z.Z.
Do you want to have great restaurant menus that are easy to edit and don't cost a fortune? I use MustHaveMenus and you can too!
Message 90 of 147

Thanks for this suggestion. I did this and I see that the e-mails are fine. I think the problem is with the preview. The preview e-mail said "Your order is ready for download"...and I sell nothing downloadable. So, the preview is alarming but running the real-world test lets me sleep tonight.  But seems like something that Weebly should be able to sort out. I've spent a bunch of time on this too, very alarmed that I couldn't edit the e-mails that had nothing to do with my biz. Thanks Donnie-M.

Message 91 of 147

I agree, we need to be able to edit or have a couple of choices at least for the text in the section that is autogenerated by our store settings.  The text that tells customers the order will be ready for pickup AT causes a lot of pain.  Customers hold onto that phrase no matter what we put in the heading or in the pickup instructions section.  It is getting very frustrating.   Please consider allowing us to replace this text with something else.

Message 92 of 147
Square Community Moderator

Thanks for adding your voice here in support of these edits, @FranV. We are cognizant that there is much room for improvement here. 


Happy to pass along your feedback! As soon as we have some positive updates to share in regards to email editing, we will bounce back to everyone here and let you know. 


Thanks, again!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 93 of 147

I have the same issue with the email, but in addition, when I send a test email it send to the account owner— who does not check here email. I am hired to be the user on square, but cannot figure out how to send myself the emails.

Message 94 of 147

Welcome back, @Ninjarita🍹


Are you asking if it's possible to have the email address receiving emails related to Online Orders be a different email address than the one associated with the Square account itself?

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 95 of 147

Check out this idea from :


Here is my power tip to really test your online ordering system.


1.  Make a 100% discount and give it an obscure code like 5455TESTORDER  or whatever etc.

2.  Go to an incognito browser (Chrome) or phone or some other tablet or computer. 

3.  Order an item or two, put in alternate e-mail address you don't use often etc. or enlist the help of a spouse, son, daughter, friend, random stranger.

4.  Use your free discount code and run the order through.


This will allow you to run a real world test order and coupon code and see what you get with e-mails, marking an order in progress, etc.  I just disable my code or give it a 2 day expiration etc. 

Message 96 of 147


This is ridiculous.


You're an online order site.  You're telling your customers customers to go pick up packages from an autopopulated field.  Are you paying for everyone's flights????

Message 97 of 147

Eddo:There are different business models here. Some offer curbside pick up,  not shipping. 

Message 98 of 147
Square Community Moderator

Hi @eddo - It's unclear what you are asking here. I don't believe I mentioned anything specific about autopopulation in messages to customers. I can sense your comment as being sarcastic in nature, but there is no question here from you regarding our services.


If you'd like assistance, we are here to help. Would be happy to pay for anyones flights if I could! 😇

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 99 of 147

I've read several discussions trying to figure this out. I have a house cleaning business. Nobody is picking anything up from me nor are they getting digital downloads. Did I somehow setup my items wrong? I have wasted a fair amount of time trying to figure this out. Definitely not intuitive. I don't want my Order Confirmation email to say anything about digital downloads or picking anything up. Is this possible with the Square/Weebly online storefront? The test email subject is: "Your download is ready!" Is this what my customers will get? Is there a way to even edit the subject? How is this default Order Confirmation a real solution for the variety of businesses who are trying to use it for online transactions? Oh, and I also can't figure out how to collect addresses from customers during checkout?

Message 100 of 147

SO, what I'm reading here is that we can NOT change the automated text in the emails? I would like the option of customizing email for different products, not just delivery. I may have to go to a real landing page program, most of whom do not integrate with Square as the Stripe payment system seems to be the most popular with these landing page creators.


Message 101 of 147

How do you enable the emails to be sent for Items Cancelled and Items Refunded?  I just did a test transaction that was refunded and it did not send me an email.  That explains why customers who are refunded are constantly asking "how long will it take?" and "how do I know if the refund was completed?"

Message 102 of 147

Hey @RoasterChica


Customers will not receive a notification regarding their refund unless the refund is manually resent.  If the purchase was made with Visa or Mastercard, the customer’s bank should show a pending transaction for the refunded amount within 1-3 business days of the refund process being initiated.


If the original sale was made with cash, check, or the other tender option, the buyer won’t receive notification. If they need proof of the refund, they can contact you directly to send a refunded payment receipt.


Customers can also check their card statement to see if the refund has posted. Refunds from Square will show on a statement as SQ*, followed by the merchant’s name or business name, and business type. Thank you! 

Message 103 of 147

Good to know!  Thanks so much for your reply and for clarifying that 🙂

Message 104 of 147

I use the square for retail - online email notifications.

Message 105 of 147
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