
How can I edit the text of the Pickup Instructions and Order Confirmation email?

The title of this post has been edited from the original: How to change store email body text


I found where to change the headers and footers, however the default details are incorrect for my business.


It says customers pickups will be ready in 1 hour.  This was their default email. 

You will receive an email once your order is ready for pickup. You can pick it up any time during business hours. Go to the register, give your name and order number, and the sales associate will locate your order.


I don't have business hours listed as its my home business, so i need to change this.


Thanks for your help! 

Message 1 of 147
3 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: I need help editing order confirmation email body text

Sorry for the confusion here, @ncff!

You won't be editing your pickup instructions on this page, but rather by heading to your Online DashboardSettings Pickup & Delivery > select location to view side menu > scroll down to Pickup settings > click the Edit button:

You'll be brought to this screen, where you can edit the pickup instructions:

These will appear in a couple of places. First, your customer will see them during the checkout flow, before placing their order:

After placing their order, the pickup instructions will also be included in the email that is sent to them letting them know their order is ready for pickup:



To further clarify for anyone who currently has Curbside Pickup enabled, your customers will see this messaging:
To pick up your order, call XXX-XXX-XXXX when you are outside the pickup location.

If you do not want this messaging to replace your pickup instructions, we recommend disabling Curbside Pickup, as the ability to edit this messaging is currently considered a feature request. I hope this helps, but please let me know if you still have questions! 

Verified Answer

Re: Edit Pickup Instruction in Email Sent to Customers

Hi! Thanks for reaching out! Aside from editing the pickup instructions, which I've included below, make sure your prep time aligns with when you want the orders picked up. This could also be causing the trouble. 


In order to edit your pickup instructions and check your pickup prep times you will need to go to Pickup & Delivery on your Online Store Dashboard then select your location you want to edit. Scroll down until you see Pickup Settings (at the bottom) and click "Edit." Scroll to the bottom again and you can edit the text to give your customers their pickup instructions.



Don't forget to hit save either. 🙂


Also, can you please provide a link to the article you found that was out of date? I would love to take a look at it and see if I need to edit it or simply archive it. Thank you!

Verified Answer

Re: How to change store email body text

Are you wanting to edit the default text shown above, @EGallo?


The default/test email is going to provide vague information related to each fulfillment option (pickup, shipping, etc). The actual email sent to your customers will be specific to the item ordered. Did you process a test order to see the actual email that is sent - as opposed to the preview?


If so, you can edit this content by heading to your website editor:


1. Select Settings from the left-hand sidebar menu, then Email Setup.

2. Once here, you'll scroll down a bit until you see the Email Previews section.

3. I believe the snippet above is from the Order Confirmation email - so go ahead and click the three dots to the right of that option.



4. Select Edit Email - this will take you to your email editor.

5. You have a sidebar on the left-hand side of the screen - pop that out and drag/drop the Text option directly above the default text. 




6. Now you'll click into the text area to edit. Once you've edited and saved, try testing an order - you should see the default text isn't included in the email sent.




You can also add images - and much more - using the sidebar menu. Let us know if questions about the editor come up! If this isn't what you were looking to do, please let me know, @tcooll77.

2 Best Answers

Best Answer

Are you wanting to edit the default text shown above, @EGallo?


The default/test email is going to provide vague information related to each fulfillment option (pickup, shipping, etc). The actual email sent to your customers will be specific to the item ordered. Did you process a test order to see the actual email that is sent - as opposed to the preview?


If so, you can edit this content by heading to your website editor:


1. Select Settings from the left-hand sidebar menu, then Email Setup.

2. Once here, you'll scroll down a bit until you see the Email Previews section.

3. I believe the snippet above is from the Order Confirmation email - so go ahead and click the three dots to the right of that option.



4. Select Edit Email - this will take you to your email editor.

5. You have a sidebar on the left-hand side of the screen - pop that out and drag/drop the Text option directly above the default text. 




6. Now you'll click into the text area to edit. Once you've edited and saved, try testing an order - you should see the default text isn't included in the email sent.




You can also add images - and much more - using the sidebar menu. Let us know if questions about the editor come up! If this isn't what you were looking to do, please let me know, @tcooll77.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 22 of 147

Best Answer

Sorry for the confusion here, @ncff!

You won't be editing your pickup instructions on this page, but rather by heading to your Online DashboardSettings Pickup & Delivery > select location to view side menu > scroll down to Pickup settings > click the Edit button:

You'll be brought to this screen, where you can edit the pickup instructions:

These will appear in a couple of places. First, your customer will see them during the checkout flow, before placing their order:

After placing their order, the pickup instructions will also be included in the email that is sent to them letting them know their order is ready for pickup:



To further clarify for anyone who currently has Curbside Pickup enabled, your customers will see this messaging:
To pick up your order, call XXX-XXX-XXXX when you are outside the pickup location.

If you do not want this messaging to replace your pickup instructions, we recommend disabling Curbside Pickup, as the ability to edit this messaging is currently considered a feature request. I hope this helps, but please let me know if you still have questions! 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 118 of 147
146 REPLIES 146

I need to edit my Order Confirmation email, but when I click on "edit email," I'm taken to a login into Weebly.  Every button I try to login with ends with a sad computer face.

Message 64 of 147
Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @READBookBus 👋 Thanks for reaching out to us here on the Seller Community! We are happy to have you join us here. Welcome!


This sounds strange, indeed. Would you mind walking through these specific troubleshooting steps? We want to make sure that both your browser, as well as your device itself are both us to date. 

Keep us updated on your progress!



Community Moderator, Square
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Message 65 of 147

I am having the same experience when trying to edit the order confirmation. I have tried 3 different browsers and 2 different computers and all have the same result. I am unable to edit the template so that it is relevant to my business situation. 

Message 66 of 147
Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @zymer - thanks for flagging this over to us here on the Seller Community. So sorry to hear that this issue is prolonged for you.


What specifically is happening when trying to edit the order confirmation? - are you not able to select certain fields within the order? 

I know that you mentioned that you tried multiple devices, but have you also made sure that your device software is fully up to date? What kind of device are you using?

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 67 of 147

I am having this issue and yes my browser and software are uptodate. Where do I go so that the confirmation email is populated with the correct information? Obviously, even though I go where it says edit email, I cannot edit the body of the email, just header and footer. I have clicked on everything and can't find it. Literally have spent hours on this. Please help. 


Message 68 of 147

Hi there @mrchi, and welcome to the Seller Community!


I merged the thread you commented into with another one, where I explained how to edit the order confirmation email and pickup instructions. If you don't find the answer to your question here, please let me know so we can dig in more with you 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 69 of 147

I'm having the exact same problem!

Message 70 of 147

Did the steps listed in the Best Answers in the thread you posted into help, @floracalgary?
One outlines how to edit the confirmation email and the other will walk you through how to edit your pickup instructions.

Are you having difficulty following those directions?
Or are neither of those relevant to what you're trying to edit?

I'll keep my eyes peeled for your response! 👀 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 71 of 147

I need to know how to edit the pickup instructions that are included in our emails to customers. The most recent how-to in this forum is from 2018 and no longer works. We are a school booster club that currently can sell online only. All orders must be picked up in person. The pickup instructions from Square tell our customers that they can pick up their items the next day after 9:15 am. Setting aside the question as to why Square would just default to including false information in our emails, I need to know how to change it. When I go in to edit the email template, I am only allowed to add text in the footer; I can't update the incorrect info. And I can find no other place to update pickup information.

Please help.

Message 72 of 147

Hi! Thanks for reaching out! Aside from editing the pickup instructions, which I've included below, make sure your prep time aligns with when you want the orders picked up. This could also be causing the trouble. 


In order to edit your pickup instructions and check your pickup prep times you will need to go to Pickup & Delivery on your Online Store Dashboard then select your location you want to edit. Scroll down until you see Pickup Settings (at the bottom) and click "Edit." Scroll to the bottom again and you can edit the text to give your customers their pickup instructions.



Don't forget to hit save either. 🙂


Also, can you please provide a link to the article you found that was out of date? I would love to take a look at it and see if I need to edit it or simply archive it. Thank you!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 73 of 147

I'm feeling lost here, behind the scenes on square this year! My square account is used for selling CSA shares for a farmer co-op that I help run. I have not worked on the site since last summer and it seems like everything has changed! I am finding it impossible to change the automated message that each customer receives upon a purchase, aka: pick up date/time. These are very important details that I need to change ASAP! Help please.

Message 74 of 147

@ncff Welcome back!! We have been making a lot of changes to the online store. I've merged your post to another thread that I think will answer your question. Of course, don't hesitate if you have any follow up ones!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 75 of 147

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Re: How do I update the order confirmation email to change pick up instructions?


I'm having the same issue.  The text in the confirmation email doesn't match the text I have in the settings under Pick Up instructions.

Message 76 of 147

I was able to reach their support people last week, and I finally understood. That test email that you can send to yourself will show your modified header stuff, but won’t show your pick up instructions. However whatever you put in the pick up section WILL be there in a real confirmation email.  I found it hard to trust that, but the support guy placed a fake order on my site so I could actually see it.   Hope that helps, but happy to answer more questions if I can. 

Message 77 of 147

Thank you for your reply. My text in the confirmation email doesn’t match what I have in my pick up instructions. I’m not talking about the test email. It doesn’t match in the actual confirmation email that customers receive. 

Message 78 of 147

So are you talking about what you see when you attempt to edit the confirmation email, or did you (or someone else) do a test purchase to see what comes up?


Message 79 of 147

Same issue here. In my location settings (Settings --> Pickup & Delivery --> Edit location), I edited the Pickup Instructions field to read "Picking up in store? Your order will be on our Contact-Free pickup table near the entrance. Prefer curbside pickup? Just call when you've arrived and we'll run your order out to you!"


When the customer receives an order confirmation email (their ACTUAL email, not a test), the pickup instructions read "To pick up your order, call +1 703-933-8787 when you are outside the pickup location." Looks like some generic message that is being plugged in there.


So, my settings do not match ACTUAL order confirmation emails. Can someone help?

Message 80 of 147

Strangely, we had one order come in at 10:28 this morning with the incorrect Pickup Instructions. Then, 20 minutes later, we had another order come in from a different customer for the same item at the same location and the pickup instructions are correct. Maybe something just got fixed?

Message 81 of 147

That’s the exact wording my confirmation email to the customer says. But it doesn't match what I have in my settings, just like you. It does seem it’s a generic message like you said. I hope someone has a fix. 

Message 82 of 147

Hi @Foxvalleypottee, @JulieK_OSG, and @Cheesetique - I moved your posts over to this thread where I provided in-depth instructions for editing order-related emails sent to your customers following a purchase.


I wanted to follow up with a second post to clarify how to edit the pickup instructions email sent out to customers who are placing an order for pickup. You'll start by heading to your Square Online Dashboard, then Settings > Pickup & Delivery > select a location to edit > scroll down to Pickup Settings, and click to edit:


If neither the steps in this thread nor the steps listed above allow you to edit the verbiage your customers are seeing, can you please respond here, quoting the exact verbiage you are seeing that you are unable to edit? Thanks for your help!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 83 of 147

[Info in this post has been redacted for your privacy and security]


Thank you for your response.  However, as stated before, the text I have in my settings isn't the text that is given to a customer in the confirmation email.  


When I go to my Dashboard then Settings > Pickup & Delivery select a location to edit scroll down to Pickup Settings, and click to edit:

This is what I have in my settings:


"If you are pre-ordering for in-studio painting, we will match your order with your reservation and have your items ready for you at your table upon arrival. If ordering for Pottery-To-Go, you may pick up at curbside anytime. We will reach out to you for pick up time have your items in our pick up box outside the door at your requested time if it is outside our business hours."



This is what the Customer email says


Pickup Instructions

To pick up your order, call +1 224-xxx-xxxx when you are outside the pickup location.



Message 84 of 147
This thread has been archived and locked. Please start a new thread if you would like to continue the conversation.