Recent Discussions
I am looking for a way to print a list of all my items and their options/prices for an employee that does not have access to my cell phone to see the list. Any ...
I'm having a hell of a time figuring out how to do payroll. I have every thing figured out I think, but I can't for the life of me figure it out, do I have to u...
The service outage yesterday impacted my sales for most of the business day and I had to take several manual credit card transactions, which cost me more than n...
Hi, My business is in Canada and would like to charge a USA customer in USD on their USA credit card. Can this be done? Or do I have to charge in CDN and their...
So I've recently discovered (after buying a new Chromebook and Square Contactless Reader) that the 2 aren't compatible😑. I cannot return my laptop, so looks li...
Hi,i’m selling one of a kind original art and there is a little plus sign where you can add more of the same item to your cart. Thing is, there’s only one of th...
I've been using square's "average sale," for some projections and I realized I don't actually know what factors they're using to calculate this.Does it include ...
I have a mobile business and have been using square on an iPad to handle my sales and inventory. I recently bought the terminal after being told I could use it ...
I believe I have set everything up. I purchased a Canada Post label from my connected shippo account. Does that mean someone is coming to pick it up? Do I have ...