
Will we receive donor name, email address and donation amount for each donation transaction?

We are a Not-for-Profit with a Virtual Gala scheduled for May 8.  We'd like gala guests to be able to make donations during the gala using the link we provide that purpose.  We need guests to be able to quickly make that donation AND we need their name and email to thank them after the fact for the donation and add to their donor records in our constituent relationship managment system.  We'd like to use Square, but its not clear if our transaction reports after the event will provide that detailed information for each donation.  Please advise.   

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Hey @HedwigDances-


Thanks for posting in the Seller Community!


This is what the checkout workflow looks like for donations:



This does include their first/last name, email address, and $ amount. I would do a test transaction, and see if you can export the transaction CSV to see all the information that you need access to. I hope this helps! 🌟 Let me know if you have any questions about this. 

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