
editing font specs in theme editor is buggy now

this is a new problem i'm having with the site editor ever since Weebly's latest upgrade. Just tried making minor font changes to my site at tvcandystore.tv. For past several days, all my font assignments keep changing for some unknown reason. When i edit the theme spec for navigation text, it automatically changes my headline font, paragraph font  and the slideshow font. If i individually change each back to what i want them to be, and publish the site, the fonts end up looking different online. Then if i repeat the font changes, the same issue persists. What's going on? Is this a bug you folks are aware of? I hope it's not happening on my other 5 sites i have hosted with you. I thought changes made to fonts via the theme section would override any CSS specs like it always has in the past. Do i need to edit the CSS to match my new theme fonts??? I can do that but never had to in the past. Please help with answers. There are other reports of similar editor issues happening to other users in your help section so it must be a  software glitch on Weebly's end. As i've said, this is a new issue. I've had sites up for several years without this problem. I've tried editing in Safari, Firefox, and Chrome on a Mac. The problem is still there. One post suggested only using IE-10 to edit sites but that ain't gonna happen. I'm not going to buy a PC just to continue using Weebly. Thanks.

Message 1 of 8

Hello Luxx!

The Weebly editor settings may not override custom CSS changes. As a test, are you able to try reverting the theme customizations and switching back to a standard theme, to see if the problem persists there as well? That would do a lot to narrow down what's going on.

Message 9 of 8

I have had a similar problem with fonts reverting to the theme default instead of the ones I set persisting, as they use to do. I have not made any font changes in the CSS, only in the Theme editor. 

Maya C

Message 9 of 8

What types of changes did you make to your theme? It's possible to cause fonts to revert through theme edits, even if those edits aren't directly to CSS code used to control text.

Message 9 of 8

This is happening to me as well and driving me insane. I try to change the paragraph header font, and it changes the body text, site title font, etc. If I get everything to what I want, publish it, it saves, but then next time I log-in, the fonts are all different. I have don't NOTHING to the CSS, I'm just trying to use the built in fonts and colours! Help!

Message 9 of 8

Hey there DebH!

If you haven't already, definitely get in touch with our live support here, as they can run a few tests with you to clear up what's going on.

Message 9 of 8

Hi ! I have the same problem and it changes the fonts constantly and makes my website look ugly. while I send customers thinking it's the way I left it.  It';s undoing all the work. I need help too. 

Please, contact me at tatyanamira@gmail.com

Thank you.

Message 9 of 8

Are there specific fonts on your site which don't look how you expect, @Godisgreat?

Message 9 of 8
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