Weebly Site Editor

Posted 10-04-2022 in Weebly Website

93 Replies

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Bonjour,J'essaye de poster des bandes son sur le blog mais une fois publié le lecteur se grise et il est impossible de les écouter.Que puis je faire ? Si c'est ...

5 - Supporter
Posted 12-19-2017 in Weebly Site Editor
6 Replies

jakobwyne.weebly.comid like the logo to be lower down and id also like to add a sub header under it that says "Jakob Wyne"in same font as the pages (oxygen) , s...

5 - Supporter
Posted 01-28-2018 in Weebly Site Editor
5 Replies

HiCan someone explain how I can change the background colour of the second navigation button only? I am happy with the navigation bar as it is but I would like ...

7 - Protege
Posted 01-20-2018 in Weebly Site Editor
12 Replies

I'm having a layout problem with the editor's audio player and the accordion application. When placed outside of the accordion, the audio player displays as nor...

7 - Protege
Posted 01-23-2018 in Weebly Site Editor
21 Replies

I accidentely deleted my home page and now there is a 404 page not found error when I try to open the website. How can this be fixed? My website has already bee...

5 - Supporter
Posted 01-27-2018 in Weebly Site Editor
8 Replies


5 - Supporter
Posted 01-26-2018 in Weebly Site Editor
2 Replies

Looking for a way to do "if A then B" wherein A (the state) is a checkbox checked and B (the action) is displaying text and/or graphics. Maybe you have 3 check ...

8 - Enthusiast
Posted 04-21-2017 in Weebly Site Editor
3 Replies

This phrase "mark all contacts who submit this form as opted in" is included in my contact forms as "an explanation"(!) against an unexplained item marked "opt ...

8 - Enthusiast
Posted 01-24-2018 in Weebly Site Editor
3 Replies

I am creating website for school history project. I need to upload audio file so that it plays on entire site no matter what tab you click. I uploaded file to t...

5 - Supporter
Posted 01-25-2018 in Weebly Site Editor
1 Reply
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