
Where Am I Published and How Do I Get My SSL Certificate Installed?!

My new topic and questions from about five minutes ago completely disappeared due to an "unexpected error."

I need help figuring out where my website is hosted/published as every time I publish it, a message tells me my domain is not properly configured. My domain was purchased from GoDaddy. GoDaddy says it is with Weebly.  The name of my domain is foodnotpharmacy. That is also the name of my website created and paid for with Weebly.

In addition, I purchased a SSL certificate from GoDaddy. I am stuck in another endless loop as Weebly says to contact GoDaddy for help and GoDaddy says I need a certificate from Weebly. For the love of all that is holy, someone PLEASE help me.
email address: sharjar@aol.com
Weebly site: foodnotpharmacy.com
GoDaddy domain: foodnotpharmacy.com
SSL purchased from GoDaddy

Message 1 of 4

Hi @SharJar Very sorry for any confusion. You won't be able to use an SSL purchased from a third party, but we include SSL on all our sites. Open your editor, click Settings, then scroll down to SSL and click Enable. 

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I tried again this morning.  A message pops up and says I must contact GoDaddy and update my domain records.  When I called GoDaddy, they told me they could not help as I am affiliated with Weebly.  PLEASE help!

Message 5 of 4

If your domain name is registered at Go Daddy you will need to update your a-record (ip address) through them. I'm not sure why they are telling you they can't help. Smiley Sad 

If you are not sure how to update the a-records on your own try giving them only this information:

"I need you to: Point my domain to the following IP:"

Or, you can follow this guide for updating the domain dns here. Right now your domain is pointing to Go Daddy's ip so I assume this means they are forwarding the domain to your Weebly site.. without having access to your domain manager I'm not able to confirm this though. I'm sorry again that it's taking so long to update. It should be a super basic request that they 100% should be able to help walk you through. 

Message 5 of 4
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