
What are the maximum sizes for files uploaded to Weebly?

[Note: The title of this post has been edited by a moderator.]


I'm interested in what the maximum file sizes for uploading in:

1) "HD Video"

2) "Audio"

3) "File"

Thank you for your time.

Message 1 of 24
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

Hello, @warmfuzzy!

We do not put a restriction on the amount of space or bandwidth you may use on your Weebly account. The only constraints are the file sizes. With the Pro subscription and higher, each file can be up to 250MB in size and each uploaded video can be up to 1GB in size.

That means you can upload as many regular files up to 250MB each or as many video files up to 1GB each as you like. The individual file just cannot go beyond those file sizes.

If you have videos or audio files that you need to compress to a smaller size. I personally, use Format Factory for this purpose. It is available on for PC only. You can find it by Googling Format Factory. The software allows you to convert to different file types and to change the compression level from low quality, medium quality, and high quality. There are many features for each level of compression. Those are up to you if you need the software. One other option for video is Handbrake, which is free.

Note: We don't support any third party software, so if you do choose to use Format Factory. You'd need to contact the maker for assistance.

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Message 25 of 24

My website is going to mostly rely on video uploads. Oh well, Weebly has lost my business.

Message 25 of 24

Technical information about Weebly recommended file formats and sizes (pixel dimensions and Mb) should be provided as a chart for different parts of the page (eg header vs gallery). It should be an essential part of the Weebly training not buried somewhere in the community forum with nearly 800 responses!

Understanding the nuances of images is probably the most painful part of building a website.


Message 25 of 24

Your 'answer' doesn't actually answer the question.

It's not the size for US to upload our images onto our website, but for website visitors to upload a file using the 'file' option from media builder.

You claim the file upload size is 250MB, but the 'file' says the max upload size is only 20MB. My question, is how can we raise the upload 'file' size from media builder, from 20mb to say, 30mb?

Message 25 of 24
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