
Video upload fails

I chose Weebly because of the direct video upload feature (up to 1GB per videofile), but I can't get any videofile over 180 MB to upload. The upload(bar) simply freezes/stops every time I try.

I've tried different browsers. My uploadspeed is 20 Mbps/s. My videofiles are mp4.

I really don't want to reduce the size, and quality, of my videofiles further.


Message 1 of 35

Hey Sander80, 

Sorry to hear you've been having some difficulty with the HD video element. It sounds like you have definitely done your due dilligence in testing out the video upload in multiple browsers as well as making sure your files are in MP4 format. 

The next thing that you can try is making sure that your video file name doesn't have any spaces in it. For example; instead of using 'my new video.mp4', try 'my_new_video.mp4'. Eliminating spaces sometimes proves to be the missing piece in getting your files to upload! 

After making sure all spaces are removed from your file names, if you are still experiencing this issue, you could attempt to upload the video from a different network. The easiest way to test this might be to find a local coffee shop or bookstore that offers free Wi-Fi. If you are able to upload your videos from a different network, then we might be able to narrow this down to an issue with your network or internet connectivity. 

If all else fails, feel free to reach out to our support team and we can take a look at the specific file for you!

Message 2 of 35

I am having the same issue. My file is the correct format (MP4) and far less than 1GB. I have removed all spaces from file name, tried uploading with different browsers, tried emptying the cache, tried multiple times from scratch, etc.  No luck.  Clearly I'm not the only one with this issue. What is the solution?

Message 4 of 35

Samwise, your solution definitely works for me. In the past, I have not had any problems uploading videos to my Weebly accounts. Last night was an exception. I tried repeatedly to upload a 540 MB video, to no avail. After reading your solution, I tried it, changed the title to include no spaces and it worked like a charm.

Thank you so much!

Message 5 of 35

I have tried everything outlined above, I am still having an issue uploading a quick-time video that is only 3 minutes in length.

Message 7 of 35

Hello OVDG! What is the file type you're working with?

Message 7 of 35

Let me tell you something, Weebly has some serious issues with the video upload element.  They will tell you to use a different file extensions, different browser, update java script, update adobe flash, don't use wifi, reset router, reset modem...blah blah blah.  After you have tried everything on the planet, it will never work because there is a problem on their end that they will not fix.  In the end they blamed my internet service provider, which is Time Warner Cable and asked if there was anything else they could help me with.

The good news is that every test video that I have sent to Weebly to upload always uploads without a problem.  Good.  Everytime I need a video to be upoaded to my site, I will upload to Google Docs and send it to Weebly since they can do it so easily.

That is the solution.


Message 13 of 35

5 months later, Im still stuggling with the same issues, tried the sames recommendations/busy work above, and still wrestle with video uploads.  

Any bug fixes coming soon, Weebly Tech Support?

Message 13 of 35

There are a lot of factors that might be causing trouble, so it makes it a little hard to know which is causing your problem.  What formats do you use normally, and what size are they?

Message 13 of 35

mp4 files typically 300MB - 500MB

Message 13 of 35

Hey there VirtualCDO!

Uploads of that size can take a bit of time, depending on your connection. What sort of issues are you seeing with them?

Message 13 of 35

I have Google Docs.  How to you send it to Weebly?

Message 13 of 35

Can I say in defence of Weebly:

I had exactly the same problem this morning. I've been trying to upload for days. I eventually had my Mac connected directly into my broadband router, with wireless off, and no other devices attached. My downloads would start quickly and then freeze after about 15-20Mb.

I changed the file name, I changed the file type, I changed the browser, I cleared the cache, I changed the file size, all to no avail.

To test my connection, I placed the image file into my dropbox folder which uploaded completely immediately. I came to the same conclusion - the issue is down Weebly's end.

However just to satisfy myself, I put the file onto a USB and took it into my work computer - the upload worked instantly - the approx 500Mb file uploaded within a few minutes and is now working nicely on my homepage.

So the moral - don't be quick to assume it's Weebly's fault.

Message 21 of 35

Just to back this up I was having exactly the same issued as mentioned here.  I had two mp4s (32 MB and 52 MB) and the upload bar kept sticking about 1/3 of the way through.  I didn't want to wait until work the next day so used by mobile phone as a portable hotspot.  The files uploaded within seconds.  May be worht a try!

Message 21 of 35

I've always had the HD video upload problems. Always. Doesn't matter if I use different browsers, my phone, try at 2am or try at 2 pm, week day or weekend...the video uploads almost always - like 19 times out of 20 - freeze about halfway through. I can - and do - upload to YouTube with literally no problems whatsoever, so I have a tough time beliving the issue is on my end. Weebly, why don't you guys get your **bleep** together and, if you're gonna charge for a service, maybe actually provide it?

Message 21 of 35

uploading videos is impossible... fix the problem .. i tried several types.. no1 works... soon please because i am loosing part of job

Message 21 of 35

Let's run through the troubleshooting list...

  • What browser are you editing on? (Firefox, Safari, Chrome, etc.) What other browsers have you tried to edit on since?
  • What internet connection are you on? (Home, work, university, etc.) Are there any firewalls or antivirus programs there, and have you attempted your edits after disabling them?
  • What devices are you accessing the editor with? (Desktop, laptop, mobile app, etc.) Have you tried any other device and do you see the same behavior?
  • How large is the video file?. Currently no individual file uploaded to a Weebly site can be larger than 1GB in size. You can upload hundreds of videos that are 999MB or less each, but not videos that are even slightly larger than 1GB.
  • Is the format of the video supported? Though we support almost all video formats, if yours isn't working, it's worth exporting your file to MP4, M4V, MOV, WMV or OGG via whatever video editing program you happen to use. Any of these file types should always work.

None of the above work out? Then there are a few last things to keep in mind:

Even if your video uses one of the best possible formats we've noted above, it's possible the file isn't supported. Why? Because even within individual file types there are lots of variations and possible kinks in the way the video is encoded. In that event, you should try to export the video to a different file type than the one you're using now.

If you still run into any issues after trying these troubleshooting steps, let us know!

Message 21 of 35

5 months and this is still an issue.  What is odd, I was able to upload some videos after I opened my account.  Now, most of the time, they will upload for a while (time varies) and then stop.  This is very frustrating.  I read the Google Docs fix by one user and wanted to try that since I have a Google account.  Or it's back to Youtube and see if I can get some sort of price adjustment on my package.

Message 21 of 35

I have tried all these things. Further, a few months ago I WAS ABLE to successfully upload files of this exact type to my site.  No hardware, software or browser changes in the interim.   I have contacted Weebly help multiple times in the past two months, by chat, by emaill and by phone.  No one has been able to help.  On 4.8.21, after the issue was escalated, I was told that engineering would be contacting me within 24 hours.  As of 4.21, there has been no contact.  Mine is a business website and this issue has crippled my ability to supply training videos for a client.  Today, to end the chat, I was told to "have a great rest of the day."  How can I?  

Come on Weebly.  You have now lost me as a customer - as soon as I can make arrangements to build another website.  

Message 21 of 35

The point is though, it should be user friendly!  We should not have to be jumping through these hoops - especially if the videos are meeting specifications.  They need to figure out how to make it user friendly and easy for everyone.  What is frustrating is it taking sometimes days or weeks to do something that should take two minutes.  

Message 21 of 35

Hi.  I had same problem but when I switched to uploading via Google Chrome (instead of Safari), it uploaded immediately.  I was shocked.  First make sure you have no spaces in video name.  Hope it works for you!

Message 23 of 35
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