
Ticket #3871153 pages out of order status needed!

OK Weebly,

I'm going to try to be nice here but I've really reached a high level of frustration.

Imagine this scenario. A storm rolls through your area and the power goes out on your business. You call the power company and are told that they will escalate your issue and you'll hear from soneone. You think "Great, since it's escalated, I'll have my pwer back in a few hours". But the next day you still don't have power and can't serve your customers. You call the power company again to get an update and they tell you that because your issue was escalated they can't get any further updates and, don't worry, you'll hear from someone eventually. You get no assurance that anyone is even assigned the issue and absolutely no idea when it might be resolved. How happy would you be about that?

Well, that's how you have left me hanging. I can't work on my website and have absolutely no idea if anyone is even working on it and how long that might take. This is my store and you have basically cut off the power.

I know that with my power company they have an online way for customers to check the status of outages and to know if someone is actively working on it. They even provide ETAs!

Yesterday I went to do my blog post and found that all of my pages are completely out of order. It's as iff someone took all of the page tabs, tossed them in the air and let them land anywhere they want. I have gallery pages in my shop, my shop is in the middle of all of the pages. Nothing is where it should be. I have over 200 pages so this is not trivial.

After waiting on hold for ages I spoke to a very nice person who told me my issue would be escalated and I'd be hearing from someone and not to do any editing on the blog until it's fixed.

I hadn't heard from anyone by this afternoon so I called back to get a status update. Apparently, "escalated" means sent to an invisible black hole where you are not allowed to find out any information because I was told there's no status and no way to get one. They don't even have phone numbers!

Here's the sad part of this story. I didn't do anything to get these pages out of order. But I could spent a couple of hours getting them back in order so I could continue with my business. But I was told to leave them the way they are so the escalation team could look at them. All I want to know is the current status of this ticket.

Is anyone even looking at it yet? If not, I'll go ahead and fix it myself. That's all I want to know. I need to get back in business!

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Message 1 of 3

Sorry to hear about your mess.  I had written a post about frequently making copies - once a week for your site.  The most you lose is one week.  Weebly apparently does not have backups (I guess it will be insane to backup up all the free sites.  However, for paid sites they can offer either free or as an add on service. I hope things work out for you.

Message 4 of 3

Sorry to hear that @VickiW.  I've left a note on your escalated ticket about this.

Also, just to clarify backups - we do make backups everything, although these backups are updated all the time to stay current with whatever is in the editor.  Because of this we can't necessarily restore something back to a specific state.

Message 4 of 3
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