
Embed Code not working with Div

I'm having a hard time with some embedded code. It was working fine for months and now all of a sudden i noticed it will not load in any browser or and does not show in the editor.

<div class="paragraph">
 .row { vertical-align: top; height:auto !important; }
 .list {display:none; }
 .show {display: none; }
 .hide:target + .show {display: inline; }
 .hide:target {display: none; }
 .hide:target ~ .list {display:inline; }
 @media print { .hide, .show { display: none; } }
 .readarea {background-color: #AD9D7F; box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 20px; padding: 0px 10px 0px 10px;}
 .underlined {text-decoration:underline;}
 .italics {font-style:italic;}
	<div class="row">
		<a href="#hide1" class="hide" id="hide1"><strong>Tax Cycle Information</strong></a>
		<a href="#show1" class="show" id="show1"><strong>Tax Cycle Information</strong></a>
		<div class="list">
			<div class="readarea">
			<p><strong>On Tuesdays, Feb. 7th, 14th and 21st, the Clinton Township Treasurer’s office will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. On Tuesday, Feb. 28th, the last day to pay 2016 taxes, the Treasurer’s office will be open from 8:30 to 5:00 pm.</strong></p>

<p><strong>TAX YEAR</strong><br />
<span class="underlined"><strong>Each tax cycle begins July 1 and concludes on the last day in February.</strong></span> *Exception: If the last day of February falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the last day for collection moves to the next business day.

<p><span class="underlined"><strong>Summer tax lien is July 1 and payable through September 14 without interest.</strong></span> From September 15th to September 30th a 1% late fee will be assessed. An additional 1% will be assessed the first of each month thereafter through the end of February.</p>

<p><strong>Winter tax lien is December 1 and payable through the end of the tax cycle without interest.</strong></p>

<p><strong>As of March 1, unpaid taxes are considered  delinquent</strong> (with the *Exception noted above) <strong>and must be paid to the Macomb County Treasurer's Office.</strong> The County Treasurer's Office is located in the Macomb County Administration Building at <span class="underlined">One South Main in Mount Clemens.</span> <strong>Clinton Township DOES NOT have records of payments made to the Macomb County Treasurer for delinquent taxes.</strong> You must contact the Macomb County Treasurer (586) 469-5190 to determine pay off amounts for delinquent taxes or to verify if delinquent taxes have been paid. You can also obtain delinquent property tax information on the County website: <a href="http://www.macombcountymi.gov/treasurer" target="_blank">http://www.macombcountymi.gov/treasurer.</a></p>

<p><strong>TAX BILLS</strong><br />
Tax bills should be received the first week in July and the first week of December. If you do not receive a tax bill at these times, please call the Treasurer’s Office at (586) 286-9313. <strong>Failure to receive a tax bill does not waive responsibility for making payment by the due date.</strong></p>
	<div class="row">
		<a href="#hide2" class="hide" id="hide2"><strong>Deferments & Exemptions</strong></a>
		<a href="#show2" class="show" id="show2"><strong>Deferments & Exemptions</strong></a>
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			<div class="readarea">
			<p><strong>Contact the Treasurer's Office (586) 286-9313 for the following:</strong></p>

<p><strong>SUMMER TAX DEFERMENT</strong> is available to senior citizens (62) who meet the income requirements as well as paraplegic, quadriplegic, totally and permanently disabled, blind or eligible service persons, veterans or widows. Application must be made July 1st through September 14th.</p>

<p><strong>Contact the Assessing Department (586) 286-9468 for the following:</strong>

<p><strong>PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE EXEMPTION (P.R.E.)</strong> provides the "principal residence" of a taxpayer with an exemption from the local school operating millage, up to 18 mills. An owner must claim this exemption by filing an affidavit with the township's assessing department on or before June 1st. Taxpayers may only claim one home as their principal residence.</p>

<p>Note: A Notice of Foreclosure presented to the Assessor results in the removal of the P.R.E. status from the property.</p>

<p><strong>POVERTY EXEMPTION</strong> requests can be made by low income residents only for the current year, not for previous years. Residents must own and reside in the home for two consecutive years preceding the application and provide proof of income for all persons living in the residence. Household gross income must meet the current year's income guidelines set by the Township Board. Application can be made for the March, July or December Board of Review.</p>

<p><strong>VETERAN'S EXEMPTION</strong> from the collection of property taxes is available to disabled veterans who were discharged from the armed forces of the U.S. under honorable conditions and who own and use the real property as a homestead. An affidavit and other documentation required by PA 161 of 2013 must be filed by the veteran or non-remarried surviving spouse with the assessing office.</p>

<p><strong>RELIEF DURING ACTIVE MILITARY SERVICE</strong> can be granted to soldiers and sailors who own property. Application can be filed before or during the period of service.  Under the Soldiers & Sailors Relief Act, property can't be sold to pay delinquent property taxes during the service person's tour of active duty. If taxes are delinquent during the tour of duty, an interest of 6% per year will be charged rather than at the higher rates provided by law.</p>
	<div class="row">
		<a href="#hide3" class="hide" id="hide3"><strong>Summer Tax Bill</strong></a>
		<a href="#show3" class="show" id="show3"><strong>Summer Tax Bill</strong></a>
		<div class="list">
		<div class="readarea">
			<p>Payment covers the period from July 1st through June 30th of the following year.</p>

<p>Summer Taxes include:</p>
	<li>State Education – A tax levied by the State of Michigan on all property</li>
	<li>School Debt – A tax levied by your local school district on all property to pay off debt.</li>
	<li>School Operating – A tax levied by your local school district on Non-Principle Residence property</li>
	<li>Macomb Community College – An operating tax levied on all property.</li>
	<li>Macomb Intermediate School District – A tax levied on all property.</li>
	<li>Mount Clemens Public Library – A tax levied on all property within the Mount Clemens School District.</li>
	<li>County Operating - A tax levied on all property</li>

<p><strong>Interest Fees:</strong> After September 14th, unpaid summer taxes incur an automatic 1% interest through the end of September. An additional 1% per month is charged on the first of each subsequent month through February. Unpaid summer taxes with interest are added to the winter tax bill.</p>

<p><strong>Summer Tax Deferment</strong> is available to senior citizens (62), and those who are paraplegic, quadriplegic, totally and permanently disabled, blind, or an eligible veteran or widow. Applications can be obtained by going to <a href="http://www.michigan.gov" target="_blank">http://www.michigan.gov</a> and must be submitted to the Township Treasurer's Office before September 14th. Deferment postpones the summer tax payment deadline to February 28th without interest or penalty.</p>
	<div class="row">
		<a href="#hide4" class="hide" id="hide4"><strong>Winter Tax Bill</strong></a>
		<a href="#show4" class="show" id="show4"><strong>Winter Tax Bill</strong></a>
		<div class="list">
		<div class="readarea"> 
			<p>Payment covers the period from December 1st - November 30th of the following calendar year.</p>

<p>Winter taxes include:</p>
	<li>County Drain Debt - A tax levied on all property.</li>
	<li>SMART Bus - A tax levied on all property. (Voted 2010)</li>
	<li>Zoo Authority - A voted tax levied on all property. (Voted 2008-2017)</li>
	<li>Veterans - A voted tax levied on all property. (Voted 2008-2012)</li>
	<li>Huron Clinton Metro Authority (HCMA) - A tax levied on all property. (PA 1939)</li>
	<li>Township Operating – A tax levied on all property.</li>
	<li>Police & Fire S.A.D. – These assessments were established by Charter and are levied annually on all real property. They have remained a constant 5 and 4 mills respectively.</li>
	<li>Fire Operating - A voted tax levied on all property. (Voted 2002-2021 & 2013-2021)</li>
	<li>Police Building – A voted tax levied on all property. (Voted 1998-2018)</li>
	<li>Police Operating - A voted tax levied on all property. (Voted 2006-2027 & 2013-2019)</li>
	<li>Clinton-Macomb Public Library – A voted tax levied on all property except those properties which reside within the Mount Clemens School District. (Voted 1998-perpetual & addt’l mills voted 2014-2021)</li>
	<div class="row">
		<a href="#hide5" class="hide" id="hide5"><strong>Property Tax Rates</strong></a>
		<a href="#show5" class="show" id="show5"><strong>Property Tax Rates</strong></a>
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		<div class="readarea">
			<p><strong>What is a millage?</strong><br />

The general property tax funds school districts, townships, villages, cities and counties of the state. The tax rate, or <span class="italics">millage</span>, is the number of dollars the property owner must pay for each $1,000 of taxable value. This rate varies by local unit, but certain statewide constitutional and statutory restrictions exist.</p>

<p><strong>How is my property tax calculated?</strong><br />
Your property tax is determined by multiplying your total local millage rate by your taxable value. The Michigan Department of Treasury now has a property tax estimator on its website: <a href="http://www.Michigan.gov/treasury" target="_blank">http://www.Michigan.gov/treasury.</a></p>

<p><strong>Why aren't everyone's summer tax rates the same?</strong><br />
Clinton Township residents are served by five local school districts, thus summer millage rates are not the same throughout the Township.</p>
	<div class="row">
		<a href="#hide6" class="hide" id="hide6"><strong>Difference Between Assessment and Taxable Value</strong></a>
		<a href="#show6" class="show" id="show6"><strong>Difference Between Assessment and Taxable Value</strong></a>
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		<div class="readarea">
			<p>On March 15, 1994, the voters of Michigan passed a state constitutional amendment known as Proposal A. This proposal created a new term called Taxable Value (TV), or the figure against which millage would be multiplied to determine property taxes.</p>

<p>Proposal A requires that:</p>
	<li>Assessments (State Equalized Value or SEV) be calculated yearly at 50% of the true cash value, as determined by 1-2 year studies of market sales that occur during a time frame that is outlined by the State Tax Commission.</li>
	<li>Taxable Value (TV) for parcels be determined using a methodology mandated by the State legislature, and which can not be changed by any local community. The calculation formula takes the previous year's taxable value, minus any physical losses to the property, plus any physical additions to the property, multiplied by 5% or the rate of inflation - whichever is less. Rate of inflation is determined by the state.</li>

<p>Proposal A "caps" the growth in TV in those years when market values (Assessed Values) are increasing faster than inflation. Over the course of many years, Proposal A allows many taxpayers to pay property taxes on significantly less than the market value of their property.</p>

<p><strong>Proposal A's Relationship to Housing Market Downturns</strong><br />
As long as the TV of a property remains less than the SEV, TV will increase under Proposal A's formula. If there is a significant gap between the SEV and TV figures for owners, it would take several years of depressed market conditions for the TV to catch up to SEV. Thus, a tax increase could occur for many homeowners even in a market downturn.</p>

<p><strong>Taxable Value Reset Upon Transfer of Property</strong><br />
When property is transferred, the TV is reset or "uncapped" and returned to being the full (SEV) for the following year. This most often results in a new property owner paying higher taxes than the previous owner, who may have been benefiting from many years of capping. Potential buyers should always use SEV when estimating a property's tax liability.</p>
	<div class="row">
		<a href="#hide7" class="hide" id="hide7"><strong>Important Information for New Buyers</strong></a>
		<a href="#show7" class="show" id="show7"><strong>Important Information for New Buyers</strong></a>
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			<p>Tax bills are prepared in June and November. The transfer of property during these periods can result in tax bills reflecting the previous owner's name rather than the new responsible party. In addition, the U.S. Post Office directs mail based upon the addressee information on record. Consequently a tax bill could be forwarded to the former owner's new address. New homeowners should call or stop in at the Treasurer's Office to make certain they receive their tax bill.</p>
			<p>When property is transferred, the TV is reset or "uncapped" and returned to being the full (SEV) for the following year. This most often results in a new property owner paying higher taxes than the previous owner, who may have been benefiting from many years of capping. Potential buyers should always use SEV when estimating a property's tax liability.</p>

Now if I take that exact code and enter it into notepad and save as a .html.. it works in IE, Chrome, and Edge. I don't understand why it will not show up when i put it in the embed code widget on weebly all of a sudden. Any ideas?

Message 1 of 8
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

Hi @stomkiewicz and @Adam,

you're missing one line of code in the CSS to show the <a href> link. Because you have it in the hide class you need to specify that you want the link to be shown...

 .row { vertical-align: top; height:auto !important; }
 .list {display:none; }
 .show {display: none; }
 .hide:target + .show {display: inline; }
 .hide:target {display: none; }
 .hide:target ~ .list {display:inline; }
 @media print { .hide, .show { display: none; } }
 .readarea {background-color: #AD9D7F; box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 20px; padding: 0px 10px 0px 10px;}
 .underlined {text-decoration:underline;}
 .italics {font-style:italic;}
 a, .hide {display: inline;}

If you add this line to the end of your style you'll have more success - I hope!

Cheers, Mark

View Best Answer >

Message 9 of 8

I should specify. The <p>Testing</p> at the top does display. Anything within a <div> tag seems to not display.
Message 9 of 8

More playing around. seems to be anything marked with a class="" that does not display

Message 9 of 8

An empy class tag like that, or any element that includes a class="classname" ?

Message 9 of 8

Best Answer

Hi @stomkiewicz and @Adam,

you're missing one line of code in the CSS to show the <a href> link. Because you have it in the hide class you need to specify that you want the link to be shown...

 .row { vertical-align: top; height:auto !important; }
 .list {display:none; }
 .show {display: none; }
 .hide:target + .show {display: inline; }
 .hide:target {display: none; }
 .hide:target ~ .list {display:inline; }
 @media print { .hide, .show { display: none; } }
 .readarea {background-color: #AD9D7F; box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 20px; padding: 0px 10px 0px 10px;}
 .underlined {text-decoration:underline;}
 .italics {font-style:italic;}
 a, .hide {display: inline;}

If you add this line to the end of your style you'll have more success - I hope!

Cheers, Mark

Message 9 of 8

Thanks, @MJCS!

Message 9 of 8

That worked. Actually discovered that a couple minutes after i posted here. Was staring at it so long and finally asked, then boom solution. Probably should have asked earlier so i could have had the epiphany. Thank you for the responses. Not sure why it worked in the past before it was updated, but oh well.

Message 9 of 8

I'm also experiencing the same issue. The codes had been working only until recently and when I insert the codes they are not shown to the public. here's a sample of the code

<div class="fb-share-button" data-href="https://www.blueberryandspiceevents.com/blog/7-common-mistakes-when-pricing-your-cakes" data-layout="box_count" data-size="large" data-mobile-iframe="true"><a class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore" target="_blank" href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.blueberryandspiceevents.com%2Fblog%2F...>

and another

<div class="fb-page" data-href="https://www.facebook.com/blueberryandspiceevents" data-tabs="timeline" data-small-header="false" data-adapt-container-width="true" data-hide-cover="false" data-show-facepile="true"><blockquote cite="https://www.facebook.com/blueberryandspiceevents" class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><a href="https://www.facebook.com/blueberryandspiceevents">Blueberry and Spice Events</a></blockquote></div>

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Message 9 of 8
This thread has been archived and locked. Please start a new thread if you would like to continue the conversation.