
Blog drag and drop is not visible

Hello, I am trying to make a custom theme for my blog and it's going good, until I found this weird issue.image

This is how I made it, at first all looks perfect, even when open the blog postimage

Here, the layout I wanted to made, then I was opened a editor and I saw thisimage

As you can see on this picture, there is no drag and drop window.

This is what have I done in the post.tplimage

I have basically copied the body_html to the header (place where is title, date, comments count and so), and Im using a Read more effect to get the image from the top of my blog post.


This is what I do in order to hide a blog-content1 (card image from a break line)

If I don't have that part of the code, it will look like on image belowimage

Here is my site


And I want to know how can i make drag and drop working with the config I made above. I won't use any premium things, I want to do it with the code. Basically app that makes blog posts appears in 3 columns cost around 20$ and it's ~10 lines of code to make it per different resolution and so. Nevermind, I have already done a response for that 😀 

And one more thing, if I have a body_html just inside the blog_content drag and drop work, but Read more break won't work then, so the cards don't have the image or so, and also appears below the whole card.

I hope @Adam will be here soon.


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Message 1 of 5

@Paget96 so you want people to wasste their time so that you could save $20?  What kind of deal is that? Also, Adam's loaded cost may be north of $4 - $6 per minute.  He is not paid to troubleshoot your code.

Message 6 of 5

Sorry if you found offended, I didn't meant anything wrong here. Just pointed that some things are overpriced, nothing else.

There are cool premium stuff out there which I'll need pretty soon, but 20$ for this is too much, 7$ would be ok. More people would buy, both sides will be happy. I won't discuss about this further, Adam will surely get some bucks over PayPal for this. I'm just asking for help from more experienced person, nothing wrong here.

Message 6 of 5

@Paget96.  Let me enlighten you.  Adam can't accept under the table payments  - he will get fired for your $7.  Also, in case you haven't read, weebly employees can't help with custom codes.  Have you heard of upwork.com

Message 6 of 5

You are completely missing a point here, but nvm. Have a good day

Message 6 of 5
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