
Adding an additional link to an existing page in navigation

Is it possible to create an additional link to an existing standard page in a second location within the navigation menu? Site is k12maker.mit.edu - the navigation menus are set up to mirror some of our other materials/etc, so the organization is important. I have a link as a subpage under "Run a Makerspace" that points to the "Maker Tools" header/main page. Since it's loading as an external link, it's slow to load/refreshes the entire page. Is there a way to make a link that points to that page internally, without duplicating it? (There are multiple people working on this site and if they change one opy of the  page they might not notice/remember to change the other.)


Message 1 of 3


"Since it's loading as an external link, it's slow to load/refreshes the entire page"

This doesn't sound right. Certainly, an internal page nav link will differ from an external url nav link in that the href for the former will be coded as relative while the latter address is explicitly absolute. In terms of performance, both approaches are doing the exact same thing. A relative link simply assumes the current domain while the absolute link has it explicitly specified - the domain is required in both instances to successfully navigate to the particular page.

Message 4 of 3

Yup, tested again and there's no difference. Don't know what I was seeing when I set it up... seemed like it was refreshing the header on the external link and not the internal. Thanks

Message 4 of 3
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