
Installing Google PageSpeed on Server

Hi @Adam and @Bernadette 

Please could you ask dev about this possibility?



"PageSpeed improves web page latency and bandwidth usage by changing the resources on that web page to implement web performance best practices. It will automatically apply web performance best practices to web pages and associated assets (CSS, JavaScript, images) without requiring that you modify your existing content or workflow. Plug and play." (From https://cxl.com/blog/11-low-hanging-fruits-for-increasing-website-speed-and-conversions/)

Sounds like a win all round.....

And what was the score with Vue in Production Mode to minimize bloat?

The concensus web-wide is that slower speeds kill conversions and are bad for SEO, and the aforementioned contributary factors are ones that we have no control over but Weebly does, so it makes sense to implement them doesn't it?

On all the site speed sites the Weebly side of things comes up with a lot of issues eg:


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I asked our engineers about it; as far as I know there's no technical reason we need to use the development version on product sites, but there might be a reason I'm not aware of. As for Google's PageSpeed, I'm not sure whether this is something we're looking into or not.

Have you seen the posts here in Community about the newer editor, @michaelm73? There are some differences with sites that are published using the newer editor which might work better for you. If you want to try it out and compare, create a new account and say that you want to sell online - that should get you the newer editor experience where you could publish a test site and see how that compares.

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Thanks @Adam - how would I go about using the new editor with my current site? I have only recently updated to a new theme and spent a long time adjusting it to fit our requirements so am keen not to break anything!

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There isn't really a way to convert a site to the new editor, so you'd have to make a new account and say you want to sell online then make a whole new site to try it out.

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Hi @Adam I've already had to redo the site again when I converted theme.... So I have no interest to redo it for a third time. I also have to make products to sell for our business so it's not feasible to do over 3 times..... It's already taken me a lot of time to get to this point, and still not done (maybe never done with this stuff)

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I can totally understand that. We've working on making it easier for someone to do this, although I'm not sure right now what that will look like or how it will function, exactly. Hopefully it's something that could help you, though!

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It doesn't work with a weebly website. It says in the error message "Lighthouse returned error: NOT_HTML. The page provided is not HTML (served as MIME type )." 

There is away for most people to download the program to their site for better performace but it says you have to have HTML or CSS to do this. Basically I believe you have to code the download and put it into the site. It does not explain how to do this with a site like Weebly or where to put the code. This is a free service by google that would be so helpful to your customers.

Can you find a way to make the google program work with Weebly. Also can you test the downloads and tell us how to install them and if they work that way?

Please I bed you! Here is a link for both programs and explains the downloading.


thank you

JulieSmiley Frustrated

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Hi @juliebutter!

I checked your site using Lighthouse in Chrome and it worked okay for me. Is that how you are using it or are you doing it some other way?

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