
Welcome to the Community - Introduce yourself!

Hi, there!

Thank you for joining the Weebly Community. We can't wait to hear what you have to say about our community as we work to make it the best space for you possible.

Now that we're here, let's start getting to know each other! Please introduce yourself in the comments. Feel free to include a link to your site as well as a bit about yourself.

Thanks, and I look forward to meeting you!

Enjoy your day,


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Message 1 of 159
158 REPLIES 158

Good day Weeblies!

My name is Steve, and I am part of a company that specializes in water-based paints, stains, and wood finishes. We have been in the business for over 30 years, (I've been here for about three) and up until I showed up, our online presence was borderline non-existent and the site we had was painfully outdated. I came in as a salesman and manufacturing lead, but as luck would have it, I have a degree in graphic design.

I immediately went to work on rebranding the company and getting our face in a few more places. It's been great working with Weebly, and our site, while simple, is constantly evolving. I love the simplicity of Weebly editing because I don't have too much time to spend (nor knowledge for…) tweaking code on the website.

I’m excited to see this community build up and become a great suppository of knowledge and experience for those of us who love the creativity!


  • Steve
Message 127 of 159

Hi Steve!

Thank you for sharing your story, we love to hear how Weebly has helped our customers and their businesses to grow!
Message 128 of 159



and thanks for giving us our own fan-group name: Weeblies! Wonderful! 

Best wishes,


Message 129 of 159

Hi Erin and everyone else.

My name is Les, been using weebly a few years now. I enjoy blogging and sharing my life experiences on my personal website which is


I've also produced a couple of live websites for friends and have a couple in the pipeline. I'm a graphic designer by day and obviously digital is the way things are going.



All the best, Les

Message 130 of 159

Hello. I just built a site for our church. That's my first site with weebly. You can see it at http://www.medwaybaptist.org My tip for the day is to use the blog as a sermon page for your church. Our church was with another company for the website that had a pre-built sermon page. When I hinted that I might be moving to another service, for much less cost, they said something like , "You'll not find a church speific sermon page template anywhere but with us, we are focused on churches." Well, I did and it works better than their template. The weebly blog auto archieves by month, and could include some advance tagging. I've not done the tagging yet.

Message 131 of 159

Hello and thank you Erin and thank you to Weebly for creating the Community.

I almost joined a competitor because I really liked their Community support.  But Weebly was just so much easier to use that I decided to go with Weebly.  I'm realy glad I did.  And I'm really, really, glad that I did now that Weebly has a "Community".

My name is Gary and I'm from Niagara Falls, Canada.  I'm new to Weebly and my first effort is a personal blog - mynamewasricky.weebly.com.  I have a number of other ideas that I want to pursue but I thought I'd start with the blog to test the waters with Weebly and test my ability to create a web site.

Thanks for making a great product.

Message 132 of 159

Hi I'm Jessie.... my blog is: mybipolarlifedaily.weebly.com

I just thought I would blog about (obviously) what I come across daily as a bipolar person.  Hope it gets some reads and comments 😃


Message 133 of 159

I'm Jim, glad to meet you, I'm trying to locate the DNS for Weebly, need to update my Editor...help
Message 134 of 159

@SOSMinistry wrote:
I'm Jim, glad to meet you, I'm trying to locate the DNS for Weebly, need to update my Editor...help

Thanks for joining, @SOSMinistry.  Are you trying to use a domain name purchased elsewhere with your Weebly site?

Message 135 of 159


I've never made a website but I was looking at homestead and a friend suggested i try weebly so here i am.

I created a free account but havent done anything besides pick a theme. Not sure if i'm going to spend the time to create the website since i have no clue what to put on it but i'm looking around in the help center and this forum.

Seems like a friendly group here so figured it was safe to say hi.

Message 136 of 159

Hi, @ZackZ!

We're so happy to have you!

If you have an idea for a site, you're halfway there! You may want to start by making a quick list of 5 things that relate to your additional idea for the site. Brainstorming is a great method for getting motivated to work on your site.

Just let us know if you need some help!

Thanks, and enjoy your day!


Weebly Community Manager

Message 137 of 159

Thnx for the welcome and tips Erin.

I'll ask if i think of anything.

Message 138 of 159

Hello all, Darieal here. 

Finally, I've chosen to seek the help and assistance from the community. but first, let me say that after reading a lot of the introductions, I'm almost embarrassed to go any further and to share my site, however, www.MrSuttonHelpsHomeowners.com.

I've viewed  a lot of the sites & am stunned on what is possible. Anyway, I've been with Weebly for a little while now and I'm very comfortable with using the platform. Started with another provider and found Weebly and have been hooked ever since.

Thanks, Looking forward to knowing some of you, learning from you, and at some point sharing with some of you.


Message 139 of 159

Welcome @Darieal!

We're so glad to have you in the Community, and I encourage you not to be embarassed! Together, we are creating a safe space to share sites, experiences, and receive feedback. We're here to support you!

Thanks, and enjoy your day!


Weebly Community Manager

Message 140 of 159

Hey guys!

I'm a self-published writer and blogger who is witty, funny, and wonderful -- check out my site! It's http://theworldofameliaallen.weebly.com/, where you'll find a blog that's regularly updated with important goingson and links to all my marvelous reads available in eBook, paperback, and hardcover. Hope to see you there!

Looking forward to meeting you all Smiley Happy


Message 141 of 159

Hello Weebly, and Hello the Weebly community.

Firstly. Love what you're doing here, this is an amazing feature and going to be one really amazing place for weebly resources, tips, tricks and all things Weebly... LOVE IT!!!!

We are looking forward to posting some stuff in here about our experience with Weebly, and help the weebly community do things they may not know could be done!

We're Webfire Themes, a Premium Weebly theme developer that likes to push Weebly to it's limits, and really make the most of Weebly's amazing product. We love it, and everything about it! 

The first bit of advise from us... Have FUN building your website. Weebly makes it easier than any other system, and with the resources available to you via the Standard weebly elements, The Apps in the App center and custom theme options if you chose to use them, you can build your own website that looks better than most web designers can achieve!

Message 142 of 159

Hi, I'm an artist and poet who has never had a website. Just punlished my first chapbook and my sales have been at poetry readings primarily, plus Facebook contact and my paintings have been sold at shows only.

I have no idea wher on this site I go to create a site. 

Message 143 of 159

Greetings Webmiesters....

I have to say I'm very happy with Weebly and also WebFire themes. My website is at 90% launch ready and about to start an SEO and Marketing campaign.  I'm beyond impressed with what I've been capable of producing with my limited knowledge. Special thank you to Weebly and community contributors. I was able to get rid of some pesky glitches thanks to all of you.  If you have a second drop by and visit. Let me know what you think. Constructive critisism is always welcome.


Message 144 of 159

Reading back over all of these introductions, I'm so glad to have everyone here during the first year of the Weebly community! It's truly been great getting to know everyone through your community posts.

I look forward to many more years worth of friendly introductions!

Enjoy your day,


Weebly Community Manager 

Message 159 of 159

Hi I'm Kat, I wanted to know how well the community is doing with their e-commerce shops on Weebly. I have a variety of art products, a book, DVD, nature related products and a consulting service connected to the products. I chose to go slowly and build up my own buyers rather than go with a complicated, SN connected art-product site. What have some of your experiences been. I would like to connect to another online seller. My site is katsblissjournal.org
Message 159 of 159

Hi Guys

My name's Kevin and my Thai business partner (Anna) and I are setting up an Insurance and Business Consultancy company here in Thailand.

I have been involved in a number of diverse businesses in my 13 years here and have found that if you want something doing well; you either pay top money or do it yourself. (especially websites built for the expat business community)

So, here we are - learning to build our own website - I am still waitng for my first email to the Weebly help centre to be answered and 'am hoping maybe you guys will have the time to be a friend to a couple of newbies.

Kind Regards and Many Thanks


Message 159 of 159
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