
Meet Your Community Team

Hey, everyone!

I'm excited to introduce you to the talented Weebly folks who will be your primary community resources. Hurray!

You'll see our team of Moderators replying to your posts, getting conversations started, and answering questions about the Community. Feel free to lean on us at any time. We're here to help!

Enjoy your day!

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Message 1 of 27

I'll go ahead and start! Smiley Wink

imageI'm Erin - Weebly's Community Manager.

I've been fascinated with communities for as long as I can remember, and even studied online communities in graduate school. (So fun!) When I'm not thinking about communities, you can generally find me reading or watching movies. I love all-things horror. (So spooky!) I'm also slightly obsessed with 90s culture and cartoon food - hey, we all need hobbies, right?

I'm honored to be a part of Weebly's first formal community, and I can't wait to see where the future of our community takes us. Feel free to message me any time! I'd love to hear from you.

Message 2 of 27


I’m Joshua!

I’ve been with Weebly for almost 2 years now. I enjoy helping people and watching their websites grow. I’ve been a moderator on a few online forums (mostly with our local EDM scene) and enjoy the conversations that take place. I’m excited to be a part of Weebly’s online community and look forward to answering your questions!

Message 3 of 27

Hey Joshua, what's EDM?  I'm a Brit so may not know the term if it's American.

Message 4 of 27

I'm brand new to this today. I am also happy to join this at the start and watch it grow. I also LOOOOOVE Horror movies, and I have turned my 18 year old daughter into a horror lover too. I taught her at a young age to pick out the flubs in the movies (bad make-up jobs and etc.) That way she would not see it as real life. She never got nightmares so I guess I did something right. I opened my business last year and Just started my website in October. I'm still working on it so I love any extra help or creative ideas I can get. I also run a creativity club so I love being able to socialize with people. I am also taking a free class on edX.org called "The Science of Happiness". Right now my lesson is on how important socialization is for being happy. So This came at a perfect time for me. It is good to meet new people like this, and I am happy to meet you.  

Thank You,


My name explanation... (Suda means Dawn in Hindi (And I'm learning Hindi)... Dawn is my first name, Jasmine is my favorite scent and it's in a perfume I created recently with a friend in a Business Alliance that I am in.)

Message 5 of 27


Hi Gang, I'm Kris Jones!

What fun to be part of this community and to connect with my fellow Weeblies. I'm own a small branding firm in Portland Oregon. I built my site on Weebly ( www.reddoordesigns.com )and I also build all my client sites on Weebly. My clients love that the backend interface is so intuitive which allows them to manage it by themself once the design is finished. I love pushing Weebly design capabilities to its limits! I'm most excited about learning tips and tricks from the community. 


Message 6 of 27

Hi Kris,

I live in Portland too! Just wrote a quick introduction in another post thread. Nice to meet you here!  Just checked out your website.  It looks awesome!  I'm really impressed with your portfolio and love the story about your cat and fish! :0)

Anyways, just wanted to say hi!   



Message 7 of 27

Just wanted to reach out and let you know the hyperlink to your website is broken.

Message 8 of 27

@sheryla56 wrote:

Just wanted to reach out and let you know the hyperlink to your website is broken.

Should be working now! Robot Very Happy

Message 9 of 27

Nice to meet you!
Message 10 of 27

Thank you Erin, I believe you already help me with a question last week. Great to meet you in Community.
Message 11 of 27

Hi Erin, 

I set up weebly last year on the 28/10/2015 I paid €214.02 for setting up my account.

I just checked my account and another amount of €214.02 was taken from my account on the 28/4/2016. 

I genuinely did not realise I had to make another payment for weebly I thought it was a one off cost. 

I don't use this website anymore, and I just logged in and deleted the website. 

I plan to delete my weebly account once I have this resolved. 

If you could see your way to looking kindly on my case I would really appreciate it. I would appreciate a refund of the recent payment of €214.02.

Thanks so much for your time, I have been looking around the weebly site and I couldnt see where to email support so I am just replying here, probably not the right place to post this, so if you could forward to the right department. 

thank you

John Fraser

Message 12 of 27

Hey @JAF!  It's not a problem to cancel and refund this for you.  I've just done it, and you should see that back in your account in 2 - 3 business days.  Thanks for letting us know, and we hope to see you back sometime. Smiley Happy

Message 13 of 27


I'm Matt! I like doing cool things for cool people... and eating pizza.. lots of pizza! I do a lot of assorted customer service things over here at Weebly, including helping you awesome people over here on the community! I've been a moderator over at a few other popular Community/Forum related sites, and it's always been fun, so I'm glad to have the chance to assist here at Weebly as well, as long as you reward me with pizza.🍕 

Message 14 of 27

imageHey there! My name is Adam if my username didn't give it away. I've participated in online communities for a long time now, including one that I helped grow into a community of more than 900,000.

I'm very excited to see where Weebly Community goes and grows! I've been playing guitar for more than 20 years, and have a very serious case of Gear Acquisition Syndrome. There is no cure, but treatment includes buying more gear. I also enjoy watching Law and Order, the smokiest Scotch you can find, and terrible jokes.

Message 15 of 27

You made me laugh!!! Piiiiiiiizzzzzzzaaaa
Message 16 of 27

Now I really want pizza. Shall we share some?

Message 17 of 27

imageGood morning, afternoon, or evening... I'm Brodie, and I'm too shy today for photos. But in general, I love talking to people and helping them find their voice. Historically, it's been as a writer, editor, and small publisher. Now, it's as a part of Weebly, consulting entreprenuers, artists, and all types of organizations on managing their web presence. I was a webmaster and a Weebly user years before I was a part of the team and I've never been happier with any other site building platform. I'm honored to be a moderator for our Community here, and I look forward to reading your thoughts and answering your questions.

Message 18 of 27

imageMe and a lovable warmblood mareHowdy everyone! I joined Weebly back in 2011 as a senior tech with over 20 years of IT experience. I have spent many years on a number of communities. Both helping others and joining in the discussions. Communities are an awesome way to meet so many great people in one place. 
I'm a vegan with a menagerie of animals. I ride and train horses in the dressage and jumping disciplines. Had my first pony when I was only 6 months old. He wasn't the friendliest pony, but I loved him nonetheless. I lam also into photography. My usual subjects are animals and wildlife, of course. Smiley Wink  Hopefully, one day I will make it to Africa for my first safari and maybe even Antarctica. 
I also love fantasy football, paper crafting, DIY projects, collecting kaiju toys, gold coins and growing palm trees. I am a total busy bee. 
I am very excited to be a part of the inaugural Weebly community! I know that it will make the Weebly family bigger and better than ever.
Don't be shy, join in the fun. You will be glad you did. Cheers! 
Message 19 of 27

I like horses too Robin. I had my daughter in riding and jumping discipline classes for three years and I was there front and center at the stable every day. I liked watching my daughter ride. But I like socializing with horses a little more. LOL

Glad to meet so many people with wonderful talents. Glad to meet you. And your horse is beautiful.

Message 20 of 27

@JasmineSuda wrote:

I like horses too Robin. I had my daughter in riding and jumping discipline classes for three years and I was there front and center at the stable every day. I liked watching my daughter ride. But I like socializing with horses a little more. LOL

Glad to meet so many people with wonderful talents. Glad to meet you. And your horse is beautiful.

Thank you very much, Jasmine! Horse moms are the best. They put in long hard hours and get very little time in the spotlight. But many of the riders on the circuit could have done it without them. I know I couldn't. My mom gave up everything for my dream. She is 80 now, but if she could she'd still be following me around at shows with a bottle of ShowSheen, beach towel, and a dandy brush. Now my husband does that job.;-)   I could not imagine life without horses in it. It is a true pleasure to meet you. Glad to have another horse lover on Weebly!   

Message 21 of 27
This thread has been archived and locked. Please start a new thread if you would like to continue the conversation.