
HD video: not displaying well

Hi, help!!

I'm a performer - I worked hard on my videos and they are crucial for my work. I uploaded them but as I visit my site I realize it takes forever for them to be seeable.

Message 1 of 15

How large are the videos you've added, @thatsariel? It's not unusual for video on the internet to buffer some before playing, especially with larger videos or on slower connections.

Message 2 of 15

Thank you Adam, sorry for my late answer but I had to fix and organize other even more urgent issues. I'm reducing the videos - we tried once but still it takes a lot of time for them to be watched. I wonder if their is an ideal "size" that allows both quality and speed. When you watch an youtube video it takes a sec.

Message 3 of 15

Hey there! Just to clarify, are you referring to viewing them on YouTube, on your site, or both? There may be some resolution settings at work there.

Message 4 of 15

I have had the same problem for years. I have 2 pro websites with Weebly. The videos have never streamed properly and I am now furious at this situation. I am based in the UK. When I travelled to France I tried to browse my site from there and the problem was the same. I've tried to troubleshoot the problem many time and have tried all sort of upload sizes, codecs etc... never worked. I have spent a lot of time building my sites and this is now a major desappointment.

My most recent conversation with what they call a Customer success advocate was 2 days ago. As they kept telling me that they couldn't notice any lag on the videos of my websites, I asked if it could be that somehow Weebly's servers are not pushing data out of the US properly. Here was the answer: "It is certainly possible, but I would not be able to provide a definitive cause." So basically they're saying that all these years I've paid for a service that they failed to provide to the standard they were advertising?... I am absolutely furious at this situation. I have decided to seek advice to find out what my rights are. If anyone else feels like contributing to this it would be welcome. I'll get back to this thread when I have found out more info....

In the mean time after years of paying for a failing service, here was the last word from Weebly: "Because we aren't able to replicate your streaming issue, I'm sorry to say you might be better off using a different platform for your website."

That's mind blowing isn't it? I mean how do you feel like rating Weebly after that when you recieve their automated email Customer Satisfaction Survey ! I actually laughed  when I recieved it today.

If it can be proved that Weebly is failing to stream videos the way they claim they do out od the US then I think customer are due an apology, if not a compensation.     

Message 5 of 15

are you guys gonna improve your services on the HD video sector or just will let all of us Weebly clients down? this is not acceptable as i read all the post of your customers having the same problem of HD video play back for a long time, please do something about it asap! Thanks, Mwana Bermudes

Message 8 of 15

Come on please improve your services on the HD video sector asap as you are letting all of us Weebly clients down. This is not acceptable as i read all the post of your customers having the same problem of HD video play back for a long time, please do something about it asap! Thanks, Mwana Bermudes

Message 8 of 15

I have noticed this too, a LOT.  My videos are normal videos that stream immediately on youtube, but on Weebly they start and stop, start and stop, and they FAIL to stream normally.  Youtube on the other hand jumps right in there and they never have a delay. I have a 100 MBS connection on cable, so I have the fastest consumer internet connection available in the USA, so it is definitely Weebly's server PROBLEMS.  They need to fix this and stop assuming its the end user fault. 

Message 8 of 15

I've been a customer with weebly since 2013.  I have the same problem with the videos playing properly.  My customers that watch the videos of my dogs in training or puppies being raised have never been able to get them to play properly.  I've tried customer service and pretty much gotten the same answer as we're not able to replicate the issue so nothign is getting done.

Message 9 of 15

I'v get the same too!
Message 10 of 15

I have the same problem: videos simply don't stream consistantly from Weebly. I'm in a major city and have no problem...BUT my customers report VERY POOR playback (slow buffering, interrupted playback to buffer mid-stream). The playback issues they report ruin the video experience, and are unacceptable. It's worth noting that these same customers do not report any issues when viewing 1080p off YouTube, and a few other sources. So this seems to be Weebly-specific.  I have tried reducing my videos from 1080p (29.97fps, h.264) to 720p (23fps, h.264) and that helps but does not fix the issue.And it is also not HD and I am degrading fps.

At the very least, I  would like to see a whitepaper on weebly's OPTIMAL encoding settings, 'cause I've tried several, and this ain't really working out.

Message 16 of 15

I am in agreement with all of these posts!  We are video heavy and I work diligently to produce decent video and encode them for streaming.  Yesterday I had a long video and was able to get it to 1Gb, spent an hour and a half rending it and 40 minutes uploading and right at the end up upload it said You have exceded the 1Gb limit...The file size was 1.00 GB (1,076,109,580 bytes).  I want to know exactly what the render settings they recommend...not that they be less than 1Gb!  And, What Encoding settings do you use to encode it, once uploaded?  On top of that as I go back through the live site many of the video show just a play button, no frame, when picked...nothing happens in Firefox (62.0.2 - 64-bit), cleared cache...same s***, then republished the site and the page that I published from showed up...others NOT!  What The!  Inconsistent, Bogus limits and no detail help...after seeing what CS has said above...I agree.

Good money for services not rendored (Pun Intended)!  So many work arounds and Hopes and Prayers it works this time...

Message 16 of 15

It would be difficult to give exact settings since that would vary from one video to another to get it to a size under 1GB. You could try different compression settings, quality settings, or video dimensions to see if one of those will bump the size down a little bit.

Message 16 of 15

I have solved my video issue by posint all mine to a youtube channel and then using the YouTube link mkaer in weebly to playthem throguh YouTube.   The videos play much better.  

Message 16 of 15

It's 2022 and they still haven't solved it. My guess is that they still haven't improved their server capacity. Weebly, please shape up. Don't make us switch platsforms. 

Message 16 of 15
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