
Custom code question: I want to decrease margins on a slideshow

I am using one of Weebly's themes and doing some custization to the css code. I have created a slideshow, and using Weebly's tools, set the margin top and bottom spacing to "0", but there is still too much white space on the top and bottom of that slideshow. 

Can anyone help me with the css code to manually decrease these margins?imageneed to decrease margins

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Message 1 of 13
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Hello @shariart !

There aren't any options in the CSS file that would reduce the white space above and below the slideshow element.  You might also try experimenting with the Aspect Ratio options - the 16x9 setting should reduce the white space a bit.  

There is another slideshow option in our App Center that may be more fitting for your needs.  Under the Marketing category in the App Center, there's an app called Multi Slider.

You might also find additional third-party slideshow options you can paste onto your site using the Embed Code element.  Best of luck to you and happy Weeblying!

Message 2 of 13
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Thank you, @PeteyD , for the suggestion. After reviewing the app and some other third party options, for a free version they all embed thier logo, which is not what I want. I did recreate the slide show at the 16x9 ratio as you suggested--but it is really not what I wanted either. 

I do think Weebly should fix their built in slideshow functions for more control over spacing margins so one doesn't end up with wasted white space and so Weebly customers don't have to pay a third party 🙂

Message 3 of 13
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@shariart: "for a free version they all embed thier logo, which is not what I want".....There is no free lunch

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Message 5 of 13
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I am having this same issue.  For slideshow images that are thin (vertically), the slides function puts an ENORMOUS amount of white space above and below the image.  

Could you please add this as a product feature request asap!   Seems like weebly could leverage other work they've already done.  For example, whenever I add an image, I can grab the corner of it and size it up or down accordingly.  That's all I need for the slideshow, with weebly adding whitespace that's not there in my image to begin with.

Help!  Thank you!

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I also had this problem and was told to change the aspect ratio setting. Problem is the options are limited and no matter which option I choose the images still have about an inch of space at the top and bottom. It greats an unsightly gap on the page. In fact I had to embed my page Title in the images just to get everything to show on one page. This is a definite design flaw in my opinion. To view my page:  http://www.mhaedc.org/


Message 7 of 13
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Hi Peter,
I am unable to find the other Slideshow you mentioned, nor the Marketing category/App center. Can you please direct me to this so I can investigate further?


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Is there any progress on getting rid of the extra white space on the slide show?  This seems to be a common problem.  I want to slide show 940 x 350 ratio images and there is way too much space for the slide shows.  Perhpas there should just be an option for us to set our own ratio - or even better just get it to set to the size of the photos!


Message 9 of 13
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An easier solution than trying to make CSS changes would be to check out some third party options in our App Center:


Message 10 of 13
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not good enough as a solution! why am I asked to pay additional plugin fees when something so basic isn't covered by weebly's WSYIWG??

Message 12 of 13
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Ok so I am having the same problem here. Did anyone find a fix to this??? It seems like an aweful waste of space.

Message 12 of 13
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still no solution to this yet.... Yes, there are some slideshow apps in the Web App Centre but.. none are free (without a watermark anyway). So I am paying for Weebly and then for the app .. hmm... not good....

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