
Browser connection limitations

Browsers limit the number of HTTP connections with the same domain name. This restriction is defined in the HTTP specification (RFC2616). Most modern browsers allow six connections per domain. Most older browsers allow only two connections per domain.

The HTTP 1.1 protocol states that single-user clients should not maintain more than two connections with any server or proxy. This is the reason for browser limits. For more information, see RFC 2616 – Hypertext Transfer Protocol, section 8 – Connections.

Browser connection limitations found.
 My SEO says the browsers limit the number of HTTP connections with the same domain name. Most modern browsers allow six connections per domain. Most older browsers allow only two connections per domain. 11 files need to wait to open a connection before it can be downloaded. Says  that I need to fix this, but I don't understand how to fix this. my website is https://www.jasperartisanjewelry.com

email   geanmitch15@yahoo.com

Make use of CSS Image Sprites for small images.
Combine external javascripts and css files together.

Place javascripts and/or images on different (sub)domains.
Example: static.example.com / img.example.com.

domain: www.jasperartisanjewelry.com - 13 files
domain: cdn2.editmysite.com - 10 files
domain: fonts.googleapis.com - 6 files
domain: cdn.ywxi.net - 2 files
domain: js.stripe.com - 1 files
domain: www.googletagmanager.com - 1 files
domain: pixel.quantserve.com - 1 files
domain: ajax.googleapis.com - 1 files

Message 1 of 3
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

Many of the files being downloaded are very small, so they download at speeds fast enough that to a human you wouldn't see much difference if they all download concurrently.  That said, we are always looking for ways to boost performance and this would be a good thing to post to our Vote on Features board.

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Message 4 of 3

Best Answer

Many of the files being downloaded are very small, so they download at speeds fast enough that to a human you wouldn't see much difference if they all download concurrently.  That said, we are always looking for ways to boost performance and this would be a good thing to post to our Vote on Features board.

Message 4 of 3

Thank You Adam for the information.

Message 4 of 3
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