
Feature Request: Add tips to cash and check payments

The title of this thread was updated from its original title: “Checks and Tipping”


I have not found a sutible answer to this. I take cash, cards and checks; so my question is how do i enter a tip on cash or check payments? 

 It seems ligical the tip screen would come up for all transactions or that when I enter a cash or check payment a screen for the tip would also come up so there is a record of the tip amount as opposed to the payment. Food for thought Square. I’m not the only one asking. Mahalo

Message 1 of 8
Square Champion

This is definitely an issue and something that has yet to be addressed by Square in the app.  Hopefully, they will add the feature in the future as it is normal to accept tips when paying cash and check.

Message 2 of 8

I started using the iPad Appointments application. When I checkout a client and they pay with cash, I can’t find a way to take their tip. 


I do have tipping enabled in the settings.


Am I doing something wrong or does the Appointments App, just not able to take a tip on a cash checkout?

Message 3 of 8

Hello @Carefreetherapy! I went ahead and merged your thread with this existing thread since this question has been asked before. 


Currently we do not offer the ability to track tips on cash or check transactions. I definitely understand why you want this. A family member of mine has a salon and a lot clients still pay cash and it makes it difficult to track your tips accurately with out this feature. Right now we're still in the process of collecting feedback for this request. 


If there are any updates I will make sure to share them in this thread! 

Message 4 of 8

Really looking forward to this feature soon.

Is there a timeline as to when this feature will be added???


I just upgraded to the full Square register. Replaced my old Casio cash register with the new Square cash drawer. I now have no way to track and allocate tips on cash and check transactions.


And on a side note, is the Square cash drawer made for US currency?? The cash slots are way to tight to get money in and out of the drawer....

Message 5 of 8

Hey @PetGroomingKing - Unfortunately, we don't have any updates to share on this feature at this time. We'll make sure to announce if that changes in the future.


The cash drawers we offer are manufactured by APG (USB cash drawer) & Star Micronics (Printer-Driven cash drawer). If you are having issues with the removable tray, I recommend reaching out to the manufacturer of your cash drawer directly to see if it's possible to replace.


Hope that helps!

Puka - She/They
Seller Community UX Designer
Message 6 of 8

Being a salon/spa, we do have clients write checks and add tips for their services to the checks. We pay our providers cash tips as soon as the client checks out. Doing it at the end of the day is not an option .It would be so helpful if we could have the option to add a custom amount when tendering a check so that taking the cash tip out doesn't involved going into a separate window to do a Pay Out for the tip. 

If any other service providers have a different way they take tips out of checks without messing up the end drawer reconcilation, please pass on your advice.  Thanks.

Message 7 of 8

it's now 2021 and it seems this still hasn't been added. I have "allow tipping" selected in the invoice, but when a customer pays with a check I can't add more than the invoice amount, therefore missing the tip....  

Message 8 of 8