Recent Discussions
I would like to change the word 'quantity' to something else. Is this an option?
Any chance of getting Customer Service on the phone?
Is there a way to tell if the customer requested a receipt in the dashboard , when they signed, so I don't send it to them twice?
I just got offered my first Square Capital letter, and I'm confirming that there is no early payment bonus. Example - I decide to pay off the whole loan in 6 mo...
How do I send a link from my Square Point of Sale account for someone to get the app? We heard that we can get $1,000.00 in free processing.
Where do i find DEPOSIT transaction number thatn matches the one on my bank statement so I can cross referance?
I can't believe this! I have an event and can't figure out how to call up the main screen with the icons. I just want the screen where you touch the product, it...
Can you ship a square overnight or next day instead of 10 days Thanks
Hello everyone. I'm new to Square and I'm enjoying it very much. So, I've noticed that I could create newsletters and event invitations to my customers if I wa...
Hi, new user here with a hopefully easy question about bluetooth pairing. I have my Square account setup and linked to a bank account. I have paired both an an...