
Looking for a work around on "Future Delivery Scheduling"

Many of our Items are ordered in advance for future pick ups or delivery.  Although you can choose a "Future Pick Up date" at check out, you cannot schedule ANY future deliveries.  Unfortunately all deliveries are "auto scheduled" by the square system which causes our company headaches and customer confusion.  We should be able to manage our own delivery schedule.  Not keep to one dictated by square.  Does any one have a work around or do you think this will be an option in the near future?  


Currently we have customers entering in orders for the Future as Pick ups with a **NOTE - This order is to be delivered but that of course comes with its own set of issues. 



Message 1 of 71
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Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hello everyone! 👋


Wanted to update you all and let you know that scheduled deliveries are now an option on the Checkout page for Square's Online Store! 👏







We've updated the Support Center article for Local Delivery as well here for reference.


Right now the option will be on the actual Checkout page but will soon also be available in the cart itself. 


Thank you all so much for your patience and feedback to help get this implemented. 

Ashley C
Community Moderator, Square
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Message 27 of 71
Square Community Moderator

This definitely makes sense, @kitchencafe! I really appreciate your thoroughness and honesty here. While workarounds are helpful, we recognize that they are often cumbersome and do not often supply a long-term resolution.


I am passing your feedback over to our Product Teams for visibility. Should any of these updates comes down the pipeline, we will hit you back here and update you promptly. Thanks so much, again! 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 22 of 71

@Joe I've been following this thread and it seems that the updates made for scheduling future orders aren't as dynamic as everyone was hoping. We tried to use them and the abilities added didn't make sense vs. the lost features in our opinion.


We've been making due with altering the prep time daily. It's working for us for now, our one issue is that 6 days is not an option, the choices are 5 business days, and 1 week, which leaves 1 day missing.


While changing the prep time daily isn't ideal, it works, except for one day of the week. Can 6 business days be added? 



Message 23 of 71

I, too, desperately need this. I just want to add my name to the list and check the ETA of this.

Message 24 of 71

I would also like to add my name to this list to see if we can't maybe pump this up on the developers' list of priorities. For my business, this is hands down the biggest problem in the whole operation and I suspect that there are a lot of businesses in the same boat, especially at a time like now when we've had to pivot to make deliveries the main income of our businesses. The problem is actually big enough to prevent me from being able to take orders through my online store, and I'm therefore paying for a site I'm not even able to use. 


I'm no software developer, and I really hope this doesn't read as snarky, but since you already have the means to make scheduled pickups available, it stands to reason that it would be an easy adjustment to make the same thing available for deliveries, no?

Message 25 of 71

This is ridiculous that it isn't already a feature.  Especially with the extreme need for it in today's climate.  You can't write a fix for it but you're now charging $.50 per delivery...for what? Square isn't doing anything different.  It's enough of a hassle that I've considered switching merchants to someone that offers it. 

Message 26 of 71
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hello everyone! 👋


Wanted to update you all and let you know that scheduled deliveries are now an option on the Checkout page for Square's Online Store! 👏







We've updated the Support Center article for Local Delivery as well here for reference.


Right now the option will be on the actual Checkout page but will soon also be available in the cart itself. 


Thank you all so much for your patience and feedback to help get this implemented. 

Ashley C
Community Moderator, Square
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Message 27 of 71
Square Champion

Maybe I'm missing something but I don't see anywhere that deliveries can be scheduled. 


Nevermind...I was looking in the delivery section, not the "order timing settings". Thank you so much for this update! It will solve many headaches for us and our customers!

Ali Kenis

Sugar Lab Bakeshop

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Celebrating Since 2012
Message 28 of 71

Unfortunately, this is still totally unworkable. We had to turn it off.


We are a bakery and almost all of our orders are scheduled. Because it doesn't allow changing the date/time for pickup/delivery up front, a huge percentage of people (more than 50%) accidentally order ASAP instead of schedule. 


I'm looking forward to improvements in this UX once more people weigh in. 


As it stands, scheduled deliveries can't be used in a production environment.



Message 29 of 71

I completely agree, we are in the same boat.  "You can change the delivery day/time on the last page of check out" is a challenge. It should be the first option, not the last. Most people order ASAP accidentally or get frustrated and don't order because they can't figure out how to change it.

Message 30 of 71

To show you how bad this is, we both (Sugar Bakery and Angel Cakes) have resorted to explaining how confusing it is to our customers in the header. This is two different websites:


Screen Shot 2020-08-20 at 3.07.45 PM.pngScreen Shot 2020-08-20 at 3.08.02 PM.png

Message 31 of 71

100 PERCENT the bulk of my phone calls are people panicking because the system auto assigns times and people are afraid to continue to check out because they do not want the item at that time.  I had to hire someone to answer phones just to tell people "Pick Up and Delivery times are changed at check out".     I too had to install a pop up to try and assist customers but its all very frustrating.   I hope that Square will reach out to us for a fix that really works for all of us.


Message 32 of 71

Too bad the pop ups are inconsistent!

Message 33 of 71

Customers have the option to "change delivery" before checkout but the button doesn't work. It just takes you back to a screen that has no option to change the date/time. Not only should a customer be able to alter the delivery date, we should be able to alter the delivery time on our end. 

Message 34 of 71

I own a coffee truck and provide cold brew coffee delivery services. I only deliver one day of the week, but want people to place their orders all week up until a certain time on a certain day. (Specifically, they must place their order by 5PM on the respective week's Tuesday for Thursday delivery). Is there something I can do to make this work?

Currently, I am setting Thursday as my pickup/delivery day; setting the hours to my delivery time range; then switching my order prep time to 2 days (which then for some reason I have to switch at some point to "no prep" a few days out to hit the Tuesday at 5PM time); and it STILL has issues. I am constantly having to email people with their correct delivery time/date.

Is there a solution for this? CAN there be a solution for this? I can't be the only one needing scheduled deliveries like this...

Message 35 of 71

We are struggling with this everyday, customers are calling and wonder why they cant pick a different pickup time, we have to explain to them that you pick it later in the checkout process which makes no sense.

Message 36 of 71

Yes definitely not a fix!  We need the power as the business owner to schedule and alter the delivery.  I too have turned off the feature because it just doesn't work.  Its unfortunate that a few weeks ago the website allowed you to change dates and times for orders and somehow - that option was just removed.  Maybe you can seek input from the business owners to try and develop a fix?

Message 37 of 71
Square Champion

This function appears to not be working now. Currently customers are only able to do deliveries for the soonest available. Is this being worked on? 

Ali Kenis

Sugar Lab Bakeshop

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Celebrating Since 2012
Message 38 of 71

Hi @sugarlab - customers will see the option to schedule deliveries within the Delivery section at checkout. Do you have Scheduled Delivery enabled in Settings > Pickup & Delivery > Order Timing


I just tested on my demo account with no issues. Let me know! 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 39 of 71

Customers don't understand that they have to wait until teh last step of checkout to schedule. It's not intuitive so they think they can't change the time and they either give up or default to ASAP.

Message 40 of 71

@AngelCakes - Ah, I see. Thanks for feedback. I can see why customers are confused. It makes sense to add the schedule option in the cart rather than checkout, but unfortunately it isn't designed that way. 


From what I gather, you are not the only Seller that shares the same grievance. The Ecom Product Team has implemented a lot of features and improvements as of late and I agree that the checkout flow needs some TLC for a better buying experience. 


I'll make sure this gets surfaced directly to the Ecom Team. Thanks for adding your voice. Hopefully we have an update to share soon.



Community Moderator, Square
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Message 41 of 71

100% customers do not understand the check out flow.  One of the reasons for our customers is the picture I have attached.  The highlighted “Change” ONLY allows them to change location.  Not dates or times.  This is a roadblock.  This is where the checkout process stops for customers and starts with the phone calls.




Message 42 of 71