
Letting an employee see his tips on the ipad

I have a small Brew Pub.  At night a server needs to run a report from the ipad to see his tips.  However in the employee permissions he can either see the entire sales and tips for everyone (not seperated) or no reports at all.

This is a huge problem.  Square told me that he would be able to only run reports on the ipad showing what he did.  I find this is not true & he can not seperate what is his from the earlier beer tender.  The only was is for me to wake up at night and run an employee report from the Dashboard at closing so he can pull his tips from the cash.

Does anyone know a way for an employee to run a report including just his own tips & cash expected in drawer without only showing him the entire days totals?

Message 1 of 8

Hi @chuckpub - Can you share what products you're using? Are you using employee management (I think you indicated so in the your post) and how do you have it set up? 


@RHatch works a lot with employee management. Do you have any employees who need to access reporting? How do you set that up so they can't see all the other reporting info? 

Message 2 of 8

I was lied to about this as well, own a bar, and you never want staff to know there sales when you are not there,

Message 3 of 8

I'm thinking that the only way to restrict employees from seeing the sales is to put their earned tips on their paychecks, as I'm hearing so many other employees are doing. 

Message 4 of 8
Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @Saloonsean - thanks for adding to the conversation here. I also see your other posts on this same topic, so I will use this space to try and address your over-all issue. 


If you are using Team Management, you should be able to regulate what your employees see in terms of reporting by editing their permissions for their respective role on the Online Dashboard.


In relation to your tip reporting inquiry, we do hear a large number of sellers asking for stricter permissions for Tip viewing. As of now, EJ's workaround would be the best option for calculating specific employee tips. We know this feature can be improved upon - and we appreciate your patience as we continue to make changes.


All feedback collected here is actively being passed to our Product Team for future considerations going forward. Let me know if you have any additional questions - I am here to help! 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 5 of 8

Yea, we looked at that and its too much work. Square was supposed to save us time and now is costing us more, and saving employees about a 1/2 hour a night counting and inputting tips. But then causes us more time giving tip amounts, if no manager is there, about 80% of the time.. Bummer

Message 6 of 8
Square Community Moderator

I hear you @Saloonsean. Thanks for the reply. We understand that these workarounds are not always solutions for everyone. We continue to strive to create broad solutions that can be tailored to fit individual needs. Sometimes we miss the mark.


Thanks so much again for your feedback. We appreciate you hanging tough on this one. 

Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 7 of 8

What do you mean it’s causing more time giving up tip amounts? I’m curious about this. I know many bars are ran differently so just curious as to watch this meant and what the problem is? Trying to really get the feels about square, so sorry for asking so many questions. Been doing endless research and it would be nice to get some info from someone who runs a similar establishment. @Saloonsean 

Message 8 of 8
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