
How do I set up permissions for a web developer to build my Online Store but not have other access?

Hi, I am on owner and I have a user who I would like to grant online store access. 


I do not have the pay version of team permissions. 


If I subscribe to team permissions, can I turn this permission on and off specifically for certain users?


Example #1:  I have a user who also takes payments remote using a square card reader and a mobile phone. 


Example #2:  I have a web developer who does not process payments whatsoever, but helps to manage content, as well as the layout / look of my online store. 


What is the best way to handle this?


Thank you, 

Message 1 of 34
3 Best Answers

Best Answer

Hi @aurasystems and welcome to the Seller Community!!


With Team Permissions you can have multiple permissions sets for different roles, so if you wanted to create a "mobile cashier" role, you could do this and only allow that permission set/employee to be able to take payments on their own device.


The same thing will go for Online Store permissions, except in order to enable Online Store permissions, you will need to grant full access of your account to that individual, so choose your employee wisely and make sure it's someone you trust. 


I hope that this helps, but please let me know if you have any other quesitons. 🙂

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 2 of 34

Best Answer

I think there is a way to do this - just create a new permission level with Online access only.  I'm not sure why that hasn't been mentioned.  I tested it out on my side it does seem to work to give the new user limited access to everything except for Online.


This does require a "Team Plus" subscription or it will not work (https://squareup.com/help/us/en/article/5579-subscribe-to-employee-management


  • Go to Staff > Team > Permissions
  • Click the “Create Permissions Set” button
  • Add a Permission Set name
  • By default “Checkout” is selected and some of the options are checked.  You can uncheck some of the options but 4 of them will remain checked. 
  • Click on “Online” on the permissions menu, and set the slider to On.  The word “Active” should appear next to the “Online” setting in the menu
  • Click Continue 
  • On the Choose Access Points page uncheck Shared points of sale and Mobile point of sale. Leave Dashboard checked.  Click Save
  • The new permission level should appear in your list

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Message 23 of 34
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hi @ThePipery - I see this is your first post in the Seller Community so I'd like to officially welcome you! 🎉👏

As @Submatic mentioned above, you do have the ability to grant your web developer access to your Online Store only. You would first need to assign a Permission Set to this Team Member. Then, they will have access to the features listed below:



If you are wanting to grant more or fewer permissions to the Online Store than what is listed above, that would be considered a feature request to have more specific permissions. To learn more about how feature requests work, please see this post from one of our Seller Community Moderators. 

I hope this information is helpful but please do let me know if you have any additional questions.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 25 of 34

Best Answer

Hi @aurasystems and welcome to the Seller Community!!


With Team Permissions you can have multiple permissions sets for different roles, so if you wanted to create a "mobile cashier" role, you could do this and only allow that permission set/employee to be able to take payments on their own device.


The same thing will go for Online Store permissions, except in order to enable Online Store permissions, you will need to grant full access of your account to that individual, so choose your employee wisely and make sure it's someone you trust. 


I hope that this helps, but please let me know if you have any other quesitons. 🙂

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 2 of 34

What is the safest way to give access to my square account  to my web developer without giving my own password and sensitive info ... please help 

Message 3 of 34

@DidierB thanks for posting! I've merged your post with an existing thread that will help answer your question. While granting online store permissions does require your developer will have access to your entire Square Dashboard, they will at least have their own email and password sign in, which will protect your information. 


Also, if they ever stop working for you, you can disable their employee account to prevent them from signing in again. 


Let me know if you have any other questions. 🙂

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 4 of 34

This really needs to be modified so that business owners can have a marketing person modify the web site but not have full access to the site. I have just hired a new Marketing Manager and would sure like to have a test period before they gain full access to the site, but with Square's current capabilities, that's not possible. This is a very normal situation - separate person managing the web site but not needing access to the rest of the capabilities. Frustrating.

Message 5 of 34

This solution posted above:


"The same thing will go for Online Store permissions, except in order to enable Online Store permissions, you will need to grant full access of your account to that individual, so choose your employee wisely and make sure it's someone you trust. "


Why in the world would you want to grant full access to a web developer or a marketing user?  This makes zero sense & is precisely why I won't use your online store product. At a minimum, you need two, preferrably three levels of access.  


Level 1 = Full Control,

Level 2 = Web Dev / Content Management User,

Level 3 = Everyday General User. 


Just because you trust someone to work on your online store, doesn't mean you need to trust them with your financial data. You need to work on this Square. 

Message 6 of 34

How do I get my website designer access to weebly only? for design purposes. I don't want them to have access to the square side. 

Message 7 of 34
Square Community Moderator

Hey @thesmallhinge and welcome to the Community. 


I moved your post to an existing thread where another seller had the same question.


Check out our Team Management options that @AshleyK listed above. 

Ashley C
Community Moderator, Square
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Message 8 of 34

I would like to keep my customer base and financial information obviously private

Message 9 of 34
Square Community Moderator

Hi @JessiUP and welcome to the Community.


I moved your post to an existing thread that answers this question.


Unfortunately you can set up a team member role but it would give them full Dashboard access if you wanted them to be able to edit the Online Store.


You can disable their role afterwards as @AshleyK listed above but there's not any other options to make sure they don't have full Dashboard access. Keep in mind that your full bank information never shows on the Dashboard or app. Only the very last 3 numbers of your bank account number shows under > Account & Settings. 

Ashley C
Community Moderator, Square
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Message 10 of 34

This still needs to be resolved. Are there any plans in the works to do something about this feature request?

Message 11 of 34
Square Community Moderator

Hi @aurasystems - we can confirm that changes regarding website building access and employee permissions are in the pipeline. While we don't have a shareable timeline to offer just yet, we will be sure to reach back out to everyone here on this thread and notify when we have news to offer.


Thanks so much for your continued patience!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 12 of 34

I agree that giving an outside web vendor practically full access to anything other than JUST the website is probably breaking some kind of security compliance. This should be a high priority, just in case it's not. 

Message 13 of 34

Joe, your response is 7 months old now.

Any updates about your pipeline dates?


Your product manager needs to get involved if this is an engineering issue...

Message 14 of 34
Square Community Moderator

Hey @rick_hutch,


I've moved your question to this thread - check out the best answer, and let us know if you have any other questions 🙂

Message 15 of 34

Any updates here?

I have a web designer ready to help me with my site, but Im not sharing my financials.

How Can I give them access to the square online store and not the entire dashboard?


Asap please.


Square gets paid on every transaction everyday. Help us grow our online presence without tying our hands.



Message 16 of 34

Who's idea was it to give web developers access to the entire dashboard? This is obviously a threat to the security of my business and my customers. Please resolve. 

Message 17 of 34

Any news on this - can I give a website developer access to the website only? I don't want them to see the whole Square account for security reasons. 

Message 18 of 34

So.....it's March 2022 and this still hasn't been resolved.

Message 19 of 34

Wanted to add some input from another side.

Someone who uses Squareup for their retail sales is hiring me to come up with a e-commerce website.

I do not want to be involved at all with their financial information.

Not having a website manager login for Square Online is removing it from their options.


If I am missing something and this has been implemented Please update this thread!

The business owners are good people and I would much prefer to have things more streamlined than having to add more revenue, order and product streams for them to take care of.

Message 20 of 34

Has this been resolved? Can I create a user who only has web editing permissions?

Message 21 of 34
This thread has been archived and locked. Please start a new thread if you would like to continue the conversation.