
Can I turn off the Contactless chip reader?

I know that all four green lights means on, got that much but I am not sure how to tell that it is off. When I hold the button in and get four yellow or orange lights does that mean that it is in the off position or that it is ready to pair with my iPad? I know it is a stupid question but I don't see a definitive answer on the off position anywhere. Thanks for helping in my ignorance.

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Message 1 of 30
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

This is a great question! Thanks so much for asking. 


To get going, you actually don’t need to worry about turning the reader off. It will automatically go into sleep mode after 2 hours of inactivity. To wake it up from sleep mode, just press the button on the side of the reader. 


PS) If my answer solved your problem, would you mind marking it as "Best Answer"? That'll help the rest of the community find what they're looking for. If not, just write back, and I'll continue to help. Thanks!

Product Manager | Square, Inc.

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Message 2 of 30

Cosigning this. Plus I'd just generally like to minimise the amount of bluetooth I've got around me when things aren't being used.

Message 22 of 30

I would also like to request the option to turn off the chip reader device as a mobile business.  I will only use a few times a month.  I could imagine the device lasting months without need of charging if I was able to power it off after use.  Cheers!

Message 23 of 30
Square Community Moderator

Thank you so much for joining others on this feature request @SavvyContractor.


Also congratulations on your first post here on the Seller Community. We are happy to have you here.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 24 of 30

I agree.....a shorter long press than the long press to pair or the long long press to reboot would be an AWESOME UPGRADE


I am also a contractor and on big jobs mixed with service calls and other payment methods I only need my reader once in a while ....and EVERY TIME I NEED IT, IT'S DEAD! This makes me look stupid in front of a client and I carry it coupled with an adapter cord and the old headphone jack swipe reader so I can just plug it into my phone, swipe and be on with life instead of making a payment a 10 minute ordeal by breaking out a charger, waiting for juice, connecting, dipping and sending receipts. 


Having a way to shut it off would save a ton of embarrassing interactions through the year..... help to not make me look unprofessional or untrustworthy with their money or card details because of my fumbling and then my back up swipe method and would save me from having to carry around both all the time. I honestly don't even know why I carry the dip reader anymore.... it's always dead and I'm forced to tether to the old swipe reader basically everytime. Which SUCKS,  because I paid money for the dip reader! And it's basically a useless paper weight 99.8% off the time. 


I just got power back in it after not using it for a long time and it updated and connected like 9 times with various patches and update cycles..... your telling me after all that you couldn't figure out a way to let people power it down on their demand??? Cmon now! It's 2022! Can you please address this and stop ignoring us! 

Message 25 of 30
Square Community Moderator

Hi @SCBuilder thanks for adding your voice to this conversation.

We can certainly appreciate your frustration here, running out of power when attempting to accept payment is not an ideal situation.

There is a Square Reader guide you can use in the meantime to help you quickly check the status of the reader based on which lights are displaying. 

With regards to your feedback, I've passed this on to our Product Team directly and we'll continue to advocate on behalf of our Square sellers here each time we receive a feature request. While we don't have further news to share at this time, if this changes in the future, we'll be sure to update this thread.


I'd like to provide some additional context here about the contactless + chip Square Reader. 

Similar to most mobile devices, the contactless + chip Square Reader requires regular charging to ensure consistent functionality. If you're using your reader each day, we usually recommend charging it each night, just as you would charge your mobile phone. When the reader is not in active use, it enters a sleep mode and uses very minimal to no power at all. The difference between sleep mode and having the option to turn the device off is minor. We've found most sellers prefer the option for the device to automatically reserve its power, rather than having to manually switch off the power after each use.

Every seller is different, which is why we will continue to pass on feedback and concerns as they're received.

I hope this helps to provide a bit more context around the reader's functionality. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have further questions here in the meantime. 


Community Moderator, Australia, Square
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Message 26 of 30

Your reply is exactly why the power off feature is needed for users that don't use the device daily or even weekly!!!


While in sleep mode the device is still pulling power. It's called uA or "micro amp" draw.....while this may be a tiny amount of power, it's cumulative effects are exactly what's causing the issue over days and weeks. This cumulative effect bricks the device dead.


I'm sorry but I'm not going to babysit a device daily or even weekly that I only use a handful of times a month....to suggest that users do so, is frankly, ridiculous. I have enough junk to deal with running my business and I don't think it's that much to ask, in 2022, that a device I'm using has the ability to be COMPLETELY shut down until I need it....so that I can charge it, throw it in the truck and be confident that when I need it, that it will actually power up and hasn't been driven to dead by uA draw during a "sleep" mode....vs a no Amp draw in a power off condition. Thus retaining the majority of its charge for WAY longer time periods...AND MAKING IT A RELIABLE MACHINE FOR OCCASIONAL USERS, rather than a weekly, bi weekly or daily baby sitting hassle....which will not be practical in yhe real world. Thus making a product I paid money for, no better than an expensive paperweight.


While I understand your reply and everything in it, I still think it's unreasonable and not a reality based reply for occasional users. We are the customers. We are the users. We are the only reason why SQUARE exists.....so asking for such a little thing to be fixed and being ignored doesn't settle right with me. Any good company would take the feedback and issue a fix....not give literally YEARS of lip service, "instructions on how to use it" and excuses for something that is So Very Clearly an issue for multiple users....and that's only counting the ones you can see and that have stepped up to day something. Wonder how many people just said "screw this junk" and walked to another processor that provides equipment that works normally and fits their needs? I'm an occasional processor and I'm really considering just letting my bank handle my merchant activity for $12 a month n 2.6⁹⁹% just to have equipment that I can rely on without it being another pain in my rear either daily, weekly etc just for a charging issue.


Not trying to be a jerk... but square should've had this dealt with in 6 months after the device release....not arguing in favor of its clearly bad design for years afterwards. Even if you can't or won't supply a manual power off function then you should update the firmware to completely shut the device off after 8 hours of inactivity. That's reasonable and wouldn't affect anyone past needing to power it on at the start of business everyday. For the rest of us the battery will still have power 3weeks out from last charge so we can function when we need to, rather than just being completely screwed because we didn't babysit a little white box "properly."



Message 27 of 30

Annnnd..... EVERY device I've ever owned,  including hotdpots have the ability to be completely POWERED OFF thus allowing the user to PRESERVE THE REMAINING BATTERY UNTIL THEY NEED IT... there's no "most mobile devices" parallel to be drawn on this topic and that statement doesn't apply to the conversation at hand or make an contextual sense as part of the discussion.

Message 28 of 30

I'm sorry but the if the difference between sleep mode and off was minor I'd not have to leave other devices, like my laptop, plugged in when I only use them about 4 hours a week, while plugged in, maybe 2 hours unplugged and the rest in sleep mode. In sleep mode a device's battery is still being drained, no matter how slowly. It's kind of like how leaving the headlights on when your vehicle isn't running, it causes a parasitic drain. The automotive industry installed a chip that turns the lights off to resolve that. All you need to do is an update as all the chips and buttons are already in place. 

Message 29 of 30

I too would like to be able to turn out off, each seller has different needs and concerns. Giving the option doesn't force anyone to use it. 

Message 30 of 30
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