
Discussion: What would you like to know about Square??

Hello, Thank you for using Square!


We are aware that support contents are only available in Japanese, which makes it difficult for English speaking sellers in Japan.


We created this thread dedicated to English speakers who use Square in Japan. You can ask questions here and find the answer you’re looking for. In order to better serve our English sellers in Japan, we would like you to let us know what kind of contents you would like to see in the future.


Please comment on this thread and let us know what you would like to know about Square. If you find comments you like, click the heart [❤] icon to show your support. That will help us to see what contents are most wanted.


This is a place for networking, as well as asking questions so please feel free to communicate with one another!

ベータマネージャー, Square
ベータコミュニティに参加しよう !
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