
What are your biggest accomplishments of 2023? โ€Œ๐Ÿ†

It's me again, gang ๐Ÿ‘‹


It might feel too early to start thinking about it but it is never the wrong time to celebrate your own wins. Which is why this week, we are setting out to find out:


What are your biggest accomplishments of 2023?


It can be accomplishing a personal goal or overcoming a business challenges; it can be big or small โ€” we want to hear it all!


For me, it has been such a joy to kickoff our first Mentorship Program this year โค๏ธ. Outside of work, I also got the opportunity to write my first film introduction and interview the director as part of a film festival in Dublin.


Can't wait to read all your replies ๐ŸŽ‰  

Season of Giving.jpeg


This question is part our Season of Giving celebration. Keep an eye on the Seller Community in the coming weeks for more festive season content and the opportunity to be part of an exciting event. More to come! 
Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
Have a burning question to ask in our Question of the Week? Share it with us!
Message 1 of 43
Square Champion

I believe mine would be when I moved from around 1k sq ft building to my current 12k building and watching the growth in business.  That year I received an award from the Chamber of commerce for best business in our county. That was special to me. 

Square Champions Innovator, Beta Community Member, Square Champion Expert, Square Champion Advisor.
Owner of The White Pallet Chair

The White Pallet Chair Facebook Page

Message 22 of 43
Square Champion

2023 will be our best year ever! December 4th we will start our 40th anniversary. Square has played a big factor in our business. We take advantage of most all services  Payroll, Loyalty, Gift Cards etc. When I have the chance I refer new and existing businesses to the platform. Letโ€™s help it grow. Also 2023 we where able to get our delivery business running better than every. 

Message 23 of 43

Greetings and congratulations to all for your achievements!

for me in my struggling small family my 2023  acievement is pertaining to online sails. This year we accomplished more site sales than any years prior to this one. though the amount may not be anything to brag about it my wife and I are humbled by the possibilities to do that much better.  

Message 24 of 43
Square Champion

Love this topic!


I am really proud of my team - I promoted one team member and have a clear path to promote everyone who wants it. Also, our product line is selling really well. It will be our first full year of that!

UV-Free Tanning Salon Owner, Northern California (Campbell)
Square Champion - Expert
Message 25 of 43

Since 2016, to 2023 Next In Line Auto Sales is dedicated our efforts to helping clients find great used cars, trucks and SUV's.

Message 26 of 43

My business has grown so much this year! I have accomplished starting a successful Scalp & Skin product line that is really changing the way people see hair. It has been an absolute blessing to have grown so much and so fast. I am excited for all new features coming to square that continue to help us grow more and being more active with our families. I cannot wait to see what everyone else has accomplished, cheers to business and kicking fear to the curve. 

Message 27 of 43

Biggest accomplishments so far this year

-Starting a food business this year and gradually growing it to where it needs to be.

-Close to hitting our revenue target for the year (November and December to go).

Message 28 of 43
Square Champion

I have to say our biggest accomplishment this year for 2023 was our expansion into the space next to ours.  We've had to expand on our services, update pricing to reflect inflation, and bring in and train new nail technicians...but we wouldn't trade it for anything ๐Ÿ™‚  Looking forward to learning and improving on our accomplishments ๐Ÿ™‚

Message 29 of 43

Some of my biggest 2023 accomplishments are opening a second hair salon and launching an online business program for beauty professionals! This process has taught me a lot about ceasing moments, taking leaps and learning as you go! Very new territory for me but it's an exciting journey ahead! 


Message 30 of 43
Square Champion

What a great questions @tranguyen! I'm loving reading all of these replies -- so many wins to celebrate! 


We've been talking a lot this year about non-financial wins. It's been a helpful reframing for me, especially in a "re-buiding" year, when our finances haven't always felt like a win! Two things we're celebrating as we wrap up the year are:


1) Both my business partner and I had babies this year, and we each got to take two full months off for a Maternity Leave. That time was such a gift, and wouldn't have been possible even a year ago. It feels like a major win to have built a team and system that allows us to step away when we need to. (By contrast, when I had my first son 4 years ago, I was literally working from the hospital -- there was no room for time off and it was really really challenging.)


2) We were named one of the Top 100 restaurants in Texas by Yelp, and the only El Paso restaurant to make the list!


We're calling that a great year! And hopefully we'll be able to celebrate some financial wins in 2024, haha!

Michelle Savage
Co-Founder & President
Savage Goods | @savagegoods | savagegoods.com
Message 31 of 43

I'm a hair stylist but I'm 2023 I randomly decided to start a small side business selling me art work and doing laser engraving. It's a slow and Rocky start but that's how starting a business goes. I am still nervous but pleased at my decision. At 51 doing something this big, when lots of people question why I said why not. I am looking forward to 2024 having that why not turning into why yes!


Message 32 of 43

Biggest accomplishments of 2023!!


This year has definitely been a blur. I canโ€™t believe itโ€™s almost over!


1. I opened my tattoo studio this year! The town I opened in had a law essentially banning tattoo shops, and I lawyered up and changed that!

2. I was able to employ people right off the bat

3. I had to get a major surgery, and I recovered swimmingly

4. Iโ€™ve grown the business faster than I thought, and itโ€™s still growing day by day!


iโ€™ve been very thankful to be in the position that I am currently in, albeit itโ€™s definitely stressful, but I wouldnโ€™t have it any other way!

Message 33 of 43
Square Champion

Love this question! I actually add my wins to a spreadsheet at the end of every month for the entire month so I can look back and really feel like I have accomplished a lot over the year. Somewhere along the way, the year becomes one big blur so having these detailed wins throughout the month for every month makes me feel really accomplished.


This year, I launched a product line that is now 70% of the revenue of my 2nd business. 

I tested ads across every platform you could imagine, except Connected TV.

I promoted a staff member to manager and it has been an absolute game changer for me.

I took all my tasks internally instead of hiring out to a VA.

Our social media strategy now includes other businesses for events which is getting us in front of even more people.

That is just over the last 6 months actually!


We have grown our exposure this year unlike any other!

UV-Free Tanning Salon Owner, Northern California (Campbell)
Square Champion - Expert
Message 34 of 43

Love the spreadsheet idea @Bronze_Palms! I also keep a running list but just in a notes app. Thank you for sharing your wins - you accomplished a lot in 2023 (in 6 months)! Well done. 

๏œ๏ธ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 35 of 43
Square Champion

@Bronze_Palms I LOVE the spreadsheet idea! Such a great idea because you're right, it's so easy for it all to blur together! In the day-to-day, it's hard to see how far you've come, but being able to look back at all of those wins in black-and-white must be so encouraging! Definitely going to adopt this for our business!


Also, great job -- super inspired by how intentional you've been with your business growth and development. Your wins have already sparked some ideas for me!

Michelle Savage
Co-Founder & President
Savage Goods | @savagegoods | savagegoods.com
Message 36 of 43

My biggest accomplishments of 2023 are publishing my journal, "Journey to Gratitude" and finally getting my Doctorate Degree in Spiritual Counseling.  Both of these accomplishments have taken 7 years.  It has been a ride to accomplish both.  2023 held many surprises.  For business, it has been fun seeing where my (belief) limitations were and then STEPPING OVER THEM with a smile and saying to myself, "Ah, that WAS my ceiling.  I have now raised my bar!"  We don't know where our ceiling (limiting beliefs) is until we step out of our comfort zone and STRETCH.  

Courage is something we create. It is saying, "YES, this scares the pants off of me AND I am going to do it any way."



Dr Jen Casper, Spiritual Counselor
"May you always be blessed."

Brodheadsville, PA
Message 37 of 43
Square Champion

@Jencasper1015 "And I'm going to do it anyway" -- love that! It's so interesting to realize where our own beliefs are the only thing holding us back... in some ways, they are the toughest challenge to overcome. Congrats on some amazing achievements, what a year!

Michelle Savage
Co-Founder & President
Savage Goods | @savagegoods | savagegoods.com
Message 38 of 43

Thank you, Michelle!  I help others change their beliefs and when we find the core belief that is keeping them stuck it can be a shocker!  The belief is sometimes so simple...And why did I keep that belief again?  The answer?  To be safe.  It served once upon a time and we forgot we out grew it!


Thank you so much!


May you continue to be blessed!


Forever grateful,



Dr Jen Casper, Spiritual Counselor
"May you always be blessed."

Brodheadsville, PA
Message 39 of 43
Square Champion

@Jencasper1015 I always appreciate the reframing that those core beliefs existed at one time to keep us safe. Understanding that helps me give past-me some gentleness and love, while also realizing that I don't need to be kept safe in that way anymore. It's a powerful (and challenging!) process. It's wonderful that you're supporting and guiding people through that!

Michelle Savage
Co-Founder & President
Savage Goods | @savagegoods | savagegoods.com
Message 40 of 43

@mksavage Thank you!  It means a lot!  Self-love, self-compassion, and self-acceptance are some of the hardest lessons to re-learn.  Our core beliefs create our lives and when we change our beliefs, it is a game changer.  One fun way to test our beliefs is to come from a place of curiosity with EVERYTHING!  I sometimes give my clients the opportunity to test what they believe for a week.  Let's say they believe they don't like tomatoes. Okay.  I suggest they go to a restaurant and order a salad with tomatoes on it.  Then, taste the tomatoe.  Close your eyes and actually taste the tomatoe as if it was the first time you have ever eaten a tomatoe.  In this test, one of two things will happen.  You will discover, "YUP!  I STILL don't like tomatoes!" or "Hmmm, I never had a tomatoe with ranch dressing on it.  Hmmm, this tastes really good with the carrots.  Let me try another bite just to make sure."  In that moment, the client has tested the belief system that they don't like a certain food.  This test can be done with anything.  

When a client comes to me and says, "Well that is simply IMPOSSIBLE!  I could never be that good!  What will people say?"  That is an opportunity to play with the idea of what if it was POSSIBLE?  What if you did do what you believed was impossible? What would happen if you believed you could and you stepped into the possibility of making it happen?  Prove to yourself one way or another it is or it isn't.  What do you have to lose?


The answer becomes they have the opportunity to lose the core belief that was hindering their success.  They get to prove to themselves that they actually can do more and be greater than they thought possible.

@mksavage , consider a belief you have that has been keeping you "stuck" or in a rut for the past year.  Write it down on paper.  Then, ask yourself "What would happen if I had a solution to this?  What would I feel if I was no longer stuck?  What would my life be like if I could move beyond this?  What do I want to feel RIGHT NOW about this situation?"  Then, write down the answers to those questions.  Take that piece of paper and put it in an envelope.  Put the envelope where you can see it every day, knowing your answer is inside of it.  Put a date 6 months from NOW on the front of that envelope.   Within a short period of time, your answer will appear out of nowhere, and in 6 months (the date on the envelope) open the envelope.  You changed who you were because you believed it was possible.  You created a solution to your "stuckness" because you knew you were no longer stuck.  Your rut is now in your past.  You changed, you grew.

My wish for you is to remember, you are always blessed!  May you continue to see the blessings before you!  Thank you for replying to my thought today.  I am grateful to you!

Dr Jen Casper, Spiritual Counselor
"May you always be blessed."

Brodheadsville, PA
Message 41 of 43

In 2023, my biggest accomplishment was completing a challenging game. Now, I've set my sights on new goals by exploring an achievement guide website. Navigating through each milestone, I'm determined to conquer virtual worlds and turn my gaming passion into a journey of personal achievement.

Message 42 of 43

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