
Looking for other Virtual Art Galleries.

I think my art is horrible but people keep telling me it's great and after suffering repeated badgering from family/friends I caved and created what i suppose is called a "Virtual Art Gallery" and am attempting to start a business selling my art (never sold a single one). But the thing is, I really haven't found many virtual art galleries online to see what is expected to be in one.


When i type "Virtual Art Gallery" into google i just get results of major galleries with physical locations or sites that are urging you to use their service to create your own V.A.G.  


So i'm asking here - if you have a "Virtual Art Gallery" (which i understand as a website that displays and sells your artwork) then i'd really like to see how yours looks.  I'd appreciate anything you can teach.


So yes, please blatantly advertise your site to me.  (i bet we all wish we heard more of that)




Hey! I just found this forum has settings!
Message 1 of 7

Hi There! 
I sell my artwork online. First on Etsy and now trying to sell on Square with no luck at all. I just take photos of my work, show it displayed in different rooms with the help of a great app called Canvy. I can’t seem to get my Square site up and running with an order! I need help with Marketing and website setup. 
Barb/Eagle Wings Art



Message 2 of 7

Hey Barbara! 

I visited your website on Etsy. I hope I can have as many sales as you someday. 

please if you can follow my website:



etsy: https://destinyproduct.etsy.com/

square site: https://modern-makes.square.site


Please let me know your thoughts! 


Destiny May
Message 3 of 7

Are you on social media? I have sold paintings on Facebook and Instagram. And I have a website here https://www.whitedoggallerybyamyjohnson.com/ 


Message 4 of 7



I have an twitterX account.  I've actually had a few pokes from that and maybe it'll lead to some sales down the road.


 I tried getting on meta - Facebook said I'm not a business, Instagram said i'm not a person. When trying to switch then they both said i needed a meta account. Then facebook said i had to make 2 more accounts - business manager, etc... finally i have like 4 Facebook accounts, 2 Instagram accounts, and still can't get the bloody facebook marketplace working right.  So that was the extent of my facebook effort. I gave up on the Meta space. I don't know what it used to be like, but they've made it super confusing these days to get it set up.


Truth is i've had NO social media before this year.  I've only started poking at it for the advertising.

Socially i'm a very anti-social, introvert, can't-stand-people type of person.  Which makes most of the free-advertising methods incredibly difficult to me. Self-Marketing and a Social-Avoidance personality do not go well together.



I looked at Etsy and Shopify and the fees seemed a bit high. But if you've had luck down that road then i'll give it some further consideration. Though those shops do offer an established visitor base it also places me right next to competition. A painting can be done in a few hours or sooner, but i have to charge higher prices because the detail i put in my pencil work can make me spend 80hours on just once piece. and pencil art doesn't photograph well at all. But i'll take your advice and give Etsy another look-over.  

(Nice etsy store, btw)


Currently, I did my main website with Google Sites (free) and use Square just as my storefront. 

This way if Square ever increases fees i can switch to a different merchant without having to re-do my entire website.


Hey! I just found this forum has settings!
Message 5 of 7


I feel your pain.  I am also not very social.  Sometimes you just gotta fake it...  To be honest, you are not going to sell much if you don't kiss some **bleep**.  The important thing is to drive traffic to your website (when you get a website).  Ppl are not going to just stumble upon your site.  I have been doing this for 2 years and it has taken that long to gain followers and repeat customers. Ppl want to buy from someone who they trust, which you need to establish.  Think of it this way.  People buy my art because they like me as the artist, not just the art itself. It's something I've come to understand after a while.



Message 6 of 7


Here is my art website, it’s not virtual art but it does sell my art pieces both physical and digital prints.

Destiny May
Message 7 of 7