Posted 10-04-2022 in Weebly Website
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Hey there,I am using the Birdseye 2 theme.I suggested weebly to my client as they can easily edit the site when I am finished catering to some custom things the...
I am a newbie. I am building my site, but I cannot see an option to view the site as I am building it! It would certainly help to see what it looks like. Can an...
This happens quite often, where I go to edit the site and I get passed the log-in and the pages will not load. This practically always happens on Firefox, then ...
Hello, I am a novice at this and would love some assistance if possible.I would like to embed animated gifs I am making in Canva onto my site, and I just can't ...
When I try and publish my site, it tells me to please verify my account even though I have my phone number connected. Any help would be appreciated.Website is: ...
I have other sites for free with Weebly but since yesterday I can no longer publish the changes:What should I do? My account is in place
I have looked through and have tried various solutions with editing the CSS, but I am a complete novice when it comes to coding. Any changes that I tried to mak...
Ho Altri siti gratis con Weebly ma da ieri non riesco piu' a pubblicare le modifiche dice:"Ti preghiamo di verificare il tuo account weebly"Cosa devo fare? Il m...
I would love to have a 1 pager in the true sense !!That is fixed to the screen size. No borders no marginsLike in the proton mail app (attached ...
today customers inform me , that Contact Form from Weebly doesn't work.i checked and saw Youarbitrarily insertedcaptchait worked fine 10years without captchaple...