
Weebly Tip of the Week: Reuse Your Layouts

If you didn’t know already, you can find designer layout templates for your Headers and Sections. (You can read more about Using Sections in the Help Center.)

But if you have a layout you’ve built yourself (or edited from one of Weebly’s), you can use it over and over again. It’s easy!

First, if you have a section layout you particularly like, you can copy it to another page by clicking on it, then Move.


Now click Copy and select your page. Organizing your content within Sections is helpful for this very reason. You can move/copy and delete whole sections of content in one swoop.


If you have several layouts you’ve created that you really like, then you can create a Templates page solely for holding all of these layouts. Add a new Standard Page and name it whatever you want (I’m going bold and calling it Layout Templates). Now click Hide in Navigation, and under SEO Settings, Hide this page from search engines.

image         image

Now copy any section you like to this hidden templates page, and when you’re ready to use it again on a new page, copy it again.


Do you use layouts (your own or Weebly's), or build everything from scratch?


Content Producer & Community Specialist

Message 1 of 2

And this should be done for blogs as well... so that a person can create a layout template with all the basic pieces of the structure and save it. Then, when you're ready to create a new blog post, copy the structure into a new post and add content. I hate to re-invent the wheel EVERY day. C'mon Weebly.

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