
Tips to save time when editing your site

I've been using the editor for a long time, and I find that I can whip up page content very quickly without devoting a lot of thought to it. That said, there are things you can do to save yourself some time.  For example, if I find I make a lot of pages with a similar layout (like album reviews on a music site, for example), I can use page layouts to preload a page with a lot of elements that I know I'll end up using in an attractive layout.


What other tips and tricks have you found that save you time when making updates to your site?

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Message 1 of 3

Page Layouts was a nice addition to the editor!

To elaborate on your post Adam, if I am creating multiple pages on a website with the same basic set of elements, and layout, I will actually create a hidden page called "Copy This Page" that I can make a copy of so that I can easily recreate the page, elements, and the structure. (and then hide that page from the search engines and from my site's navigation menu)

For example, my "Copy This Page" page has a blank image element, a blank title element, divider line and a few paragraph elements that are all in a column with a spacer element below. Not only does the save time in creating a new page but it also helps for keeping the column divider in the correct place, and the column spacing the same but also the divider lines spacing and content uniform.


If you're not sure how to copy a page, be sure to check out:


Message 2 of 3

That's an excellent suggestion, Jeffrey!  It's so nice to see our Community supporting each other and offering useful tips to simplify the site-building process!  I think we're building something really special here!

Message 3 of 3
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