
Maximum number of elements on a page

I have a page which has a lot of elements on it (and lots of element's within elements) and I'm having two problems (help ticket and posted elsewhere):


1. A loading wheel that lasts from 5 minutes to infinity.

2. It is increasingly difficult to get formating boxes out of the way, to edit fields, or to get ahold of the correct part to move items, or to get ahold of the columns.

Could this be because after a certain number of elements weebly doesn't function?

Message 1 of 6

The more elements added to a page, the more browser and computer memory is needed to handle all of it within the editor. How much you can have on a page will depend on your browser and computer some, although it would be possible to add enough content that your browser simply couldn't handle it. I'd recommend moving some of your content to multiple pages of your site, and I'd also recommend closing any other applications and browser tabs you have open.

Message 7 of 6

1. It could be my internet connection.

2. It could be my computer

3. It could be my browser.

4. It could be weebly.

Let's see:

1. It could be my internet connection. At minimum I've got 10Mbps download and 11Mbps upload. It's not my connection.

2. It could be my computer. I've tried my mac laptop and my windows laptop. I've rebooted and tried. My mac can run gimp just fine which is very resource intensive, so I don't think it's my computers.

3. It could be my browser. I've tried Firefox, Chrome (on windows and osX). I've deleted all my addon's extentions etc. I've quit and restarted. I reinstalled Firefox (which is weebly's native platform). I'm pretty sure it's not my browser -- and I can certainly rule out that it might be other pages open on my browser at the same time.

That leaves #4 -- it looks to me like weebly can only handle a certain number of elements per page before it starts to get bogged down. Could anyone confirm this in their experince, or provide proof to the contrary (send me a weebly page with several hundred elements?)?

The only other possibility I can think of at the moment (#5) is that the extentions I am useing most (teamcard and callout) have bugs. It looks from reading the community pages that extentions can have bugs. I would guess that extentions such as text, columns, and buttons would be well tested already.

Message 7 of 6

Some elements will use more memory than others, depending on how many different components there are to it and what you add to it. I'm assuming the page you're having trouble with is your members page. It loaded a little slower for me (probably about 5 seconds), but not exhorbitantly so on my Macbook Pro in Chrome. 

If it was purely the number of elements on the page, I'd expect that it would never load for you or me (and I have seen this happen with some gargantuan pages). Since it will sometimes load for it sounds more like a memory issue on the computer you're using.

Message 7 of 6

So I've solved the problem. Symptoms: unable to make format boxes go away,  very difficult to adjust columns, long delays [5 sec to infinity] moving items, publishing, changing pages

Using the theme MODUS OPERANDI
appears to have about 27 elements in it already.

I'm making a directory of employees using teamcard and callout, neither supported by weebly.
48x3=155n plus Modus Operandi's elements equals 171.

Since then I have split up the people into four pages.
So 27+39=66.

Those pages are acting fine, none of the above problems. So I believe from this test that weebly has a limit to the number of elements it can handle gracefully.

It's possible that the unsupported elements teamcard and callout are harder to process. Maybe someone would like to try and make a 171 element page with only weebly supported elements.

-- Kristy

Message 7 of 6

When you load a web page, there's your browser and your internet connection speed. When you edit a page in weebly (thus frames, moving columns etc) what is loaded in your browser is much more complex. I would guess some of it is happening in the browser, some of it is happening where weebly's servers are and some between the two (autosave and publish for example).

So the fact that the html page loads doesn't necesarily mean that it behaves properly in the editor.

Message 7 of 6
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