
Create a true splash page

I have spent hours working on something that should take under half an hour. I have been all over the community boards as well as Google. I have tried *this* solution everyone seems to link to:

I just want a simple, true one-page or splash page or landing page with no menu. A client just wants a coming soon page while his full site is under developement. It will have a full background image with his logo and some verbiage over it. When I set his page as a "splash" in the pages tab, it adds an obnoxious black band across the center. HOW DO I GET RID OF THIS? Further, it won't let me drag and drop anything to the page! I have tried logging out and in, reloading, switching themes entirely. But when set as a splash page there appears to be nothing I can DO to this to edit it.

I have also tried setting this NOT as an actual splash, but as a "header" page... The problems there are, even when I get rid of the "menu", there is still a black menu bar that appears if you scroll at all. And there is still a crazy amount of white space between the header and the footer that I cannot get rid of.

This seems like it should be a crazy easy task! Do people not create cover/landing/splash pages all the time? Would love some help. Thank you.

Message 1 of 21
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

Oh, hey, you again. How did I know you'd be back with more utter nonsense? It's all good dude, you need to chill. I am a paying Weebly customer (literally have spent thousands of dollars hosting sites here Buddy), and as a Weebly customer I have every right to post in a forum they link me to. Seriously, get a life. You honestly think you've contributed anything here? "Oh hey I have the answer but won't tell you". Is this frickin junior high? Keep it classy buddy. I won't be back so you can find some other threads to "tell it like it is" on. ✌️✌️✌️

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Message 22 of 21

@LABarrett:  I hear you and understand your concern, but that is the part of dealing with a host that offers 10 free websites with one -e-mail.

See becasue of that there are hundreds of thousand people who use free weebly as a lead gen page.

Weebly has few controls to minimize that sort of behavior, but it does not always work.

1. Free weebly footer:  People have learned that splash page does not have a footer.

2. People have also learned they can connect their own domain to free weebly.

3. People also have learned how to insert their own favicon in a free weebly site.

4. Menu:  so now if there was the ability to get rid of the menu from the splash page there will be millions more free lead gen pages without paying for them.

How do I know this?  I am a freelancer and I see one or two posting a week people wanting to do something like that on freelancing platforms.  And the best part.  How much do those people pay? $3-5 /site to set up account and create free weebly websites.  They usually want dozens (One buyer even wanted 100 of them)

Message 22 of 21

Not super helpful to my actual concern... maybe Weebly needs to offer different offerings for those of us on their Designer Platform with actual clients paying each month to host their site. What my client is asking for is extremely simple and he's willing to pay for it. This is not a free site. I have to charge my client what Weebly charges me. So your feedback isn't super relevant because I/my client are not trying to get something for nothing. Just trying to build a simple one page site while I continue to develop his full site. I also build thru Squarespace and will simply take this business there if what I'm trying to do is really un-doable. I've been loyal to Weebly as long as they can meet my client's needs. Doesn't seem to be the case here.

Message 22 of 21

@LABarrett:  Makes no difference to me - whether you stay with weebly or go to dozen other website builders. I was just rying to present views from otther side.  Sqyarespace may have the bility, but they have zero people taking advantage of their resources.  They don't offer free sites. And if you truly were a good designer you can achieve what you need by other means as well.  Perhaps the last suggestion migh be more helpful in burshing up your skill set.

Message 22 of 21

Wow. I didn't come onto the community pages to be insulted. Are you serious? I've been designing since 2000. I've been with Weebly 10+ years and have ALWAYS found workarounds when I need to and am plenty comfortable injecting code where needed and changing the CSS. With this particular issue I have not found a solution yet though, hence my post. What are you? A troll? Like if you don't have a solution why are you on my thread? I run dozens of sites thru Weebly and none of them are free. All are pro or designer and are paid for. So I don't need to hear your explanation of "why" Weebly doesn't allow splash pages. If I can design a home page with a menu that says "home" what difference is it to them whether "home" appears or doesn't appear? Also, they DO have a Splash page setting which as you can see from my OP I have tried, but it has a gnarly black band across the center. I cannot drop content onto it or remove it. THAT IS WHAT I'M POSTING ABOUT. Thank you for your judgement and your non-helpfulness. While I'm busy "brushing up on my skill set" lol, how about you brush up on your social skills. Please refrain from further comments. I'd like to leave it open to anyone who knows a workaround to this issue. Thank you.

Message 22 of 21

@LABarrett:  If yoy are designing sites for money why are you asking for FREE advice?  You get paid for the work you do, pay someone if you don't know how to do it.

Message 22 of 21

I'm asking for advice here because this is where Weebly's support tab led me. "Pay someone if you don't know how to do it"... are you a designer? Every designer learns by doing. It's ever-evolving no matter what aspect of design you're in to. A designer doesn't start having arrived 100%. Perfection does not exist. I do happily delegate what I cannot do. A drag and drop builder like Weebly has never been a tricky/stumbling point for me though, thankyouverymuch. Again, I don't know what you think you are, but you're becoming a pain in my arse and I'm done responding to you. I've reported this to a mod because I don't think this is how Weebly intends Qs on their community to be answered. Have a fab day. Move along. Smiley Happy

Message 22 of 21

@LABarrett:  I have not been designing since 2000, but I just did what you were looking for,  Easy as a pie.

Message 22 of 21

Hey guys, lets try to work together! Smiley Happy Community is for learning off each other, but advice or answers are definitely not required by anyone. @LABarrett what is the name of the website you are editing? Is it already live?

Message 22 of 21

@Bernadetteit's in the preview phase on my designer tab. So it's not live yet because I don't even have anything suitable to show my client for approval. But I do have that screenshot I posted.

Message 22 of 21

What is the name of the site, though? You have quite a few in the account. Thanks @LABarrett!

Message 22 of 21

It's for Clean Cut Construction

Message 22 of 21

Okay, thank you. Sorry for the delayed responses. I've been a bit busy today! Did you get this sorted out, though? I don't see the black bar from your screenshot. I see the background image, the logo, and then a contact form. 

Message 22 of 21


Hiding the navigation on one page is actually pretty simple to do with CSS code. If you can provide the preview link to the page. I can supply you with the CSS code to use to hide the navigation only on that page. 

Message 22 of 21

Thank you for replying. I have actually built what I needed to on the Duda platform, with much ease. Removing menus and faded bars was as easy as it should be. I will be bringing many of my future sites over to that platform. In part because it is much more powerful with less fuss, and in part because of the way I was trolled when I first posted this Q. That is reflective of the Weebly community and left a very bad taste.

Message 22 of 21

@LABarrett:  You wre not trolled.  You threw a stone, I threw a brick.  My first response was to explain the reasons and motivations behind such 'inconviniences' imposed by Weebly on why they make it difficult to create lead gen pages for free..  Sometimes it helps to understand other side rather than getting mad at something you want and you can't get.

As for community sharing.  Yes community exists to share ideas and questions, but when some members just come here to get their problem solved without contributing and get irritated when they don't get what they want other also have a right to tell the way it is.

Message 22 of 21

Best Answer

Oh, hey, you again. How did I know you'd be back with more utter nonsense? It's all good dude, you need to chill. I am a paying Weebly customer (literally have spent thousands of dollars hosting sites here Buddy), and as a Weebly customer I have every right to post in a forum they link me to. Seriously, get a life. You honestly think you've contributed anything here? "Oh hey I have the answer but won't tell you". Is this frickin junior high? Keep it classy buddy. I won't be back so you can find some other threads to "tell it like it is" on. ✌️✌️✌️

Message 22 of 21

This is a wonderful life.

Look at the last two responses.  Mine is calm, measured but stern.

Yours?Like a 10 yrs old throwing a tantrum becasue some one did not give a freebie.

Message 22 of 21

@bobafett you are a real gem. Bless your heart.

Message 22 of 21

@LABarrett:  What a strange coincidence.  Someone posted a job on one of the freelancing sites to get rid of Menu and footer in a weebly site.  Of course they were going to pay.

That is what real business people do.  They make money selling their skills/services and hire people to fill the gap in their skill set.

I am not going to apply.  I really don't like people using weebly as a lead gen website builder.

Message 22 of 21

Yes, you win the internet, up there on your high horse behind your keyboard. Have a nice week. I have real clients to take care of. You just keep on being the god of the Weebly community and have a fun time. I think I mentioned I solved this issue in two seconds on an alternate platform. Real business people don't post to freelance sites and spend money on an issue that should have never been an issue in the first place. ✌️✌️✌️

Message 22 of 21
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