
Titles, URLs, descriptions, meta keywords and H1 Tag


I have several questions please!

On saturday, my website will be online since two weeks and it is not ranked, which is normal. I continue to work on the content and I learn SEO strategies.

On Weebly, I'm modifying titles, URLs, descriptions and meta keywords but I've seen that when I tape my name + the name of my activity, the titles, URLs and descriptions that appear on Google are the old ones.

1/ How long does it take for Google to take in the new datas and remove the old ones?

2/ I've just add the H1 Tag application. I use a picture on the top of each page where I write a title which is the main subject of the page, can I put my H1 Tag here or does it has to be on the page just before text or subtitles?

3/ As the application H1 Tag does not provide the possibility to choose font style which is a pity because it is different from the theme font style, is adding CSS code a good option on Weebly to add H1 Tag with the good font?

3/ Does the meta keywords have to be all repeated in the text of the page or can some of them be differents, new ones?

4/ Do the title, URL of the SEO section and H1 Tag of each page have to be the same words? And the title of the page on the menu, can it be different?

Thank you!

Message 1 of 3

Hey @Lion!

1. It's really hard to say with this. It happens automatically, but there's really no way to know how long it will take.

2. You can add the H1 tag wherever you want, although I think it usually makes the most sense to have it near the top of the page.

3. If you're using the app I think you're using, the app's maker @ThemezierThemes was working on a solution for that.

4. Generally, it's a good idea for your meta text to not be indentical to what you have on your page, but be complimentary.

5. Those can all be different if you want them to be.

Have you looked at our Ultimate Guide to SEO yet? I feel like that might be worthwhile reading for you: https://www.weebly.com/seo

Message 2 of 3

Hi Adam!

Thank you very much for this rapid answer. I'm sorry I have written two times number 3/, if you are able to correct it feel free!

2/ If I have well understood, I can replace the titles of my header pictures by H1 tags. Is it a good position for the SEO? 

3/ Is a solution now available, if not, when will it be ready?

5/ If they are differents, does that have a consequence on rankings?

Yes, yesterday I have started to read the Ultimate Guide to SEO, anyhow thank you for the link.

I'm also listening to good videos on Youtube to learn many different strategies.

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