
How Do I Remove Quantity in Product Page and in the Shopping Cart?

The products on the site I'm working on are all original paintings. There will never be a product where more than one is available. I'd like to delete or hide the option to select quantity on all product pages and in the shopping cart.

I would also like the add to cart button to read "Purchase" and clicking it will automatically display the checkout page. Apparently, there is no option to do either of these things.

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Message 1 of 21

Hi there. We actually DO have a "buy now" option but you won't be able to change the verbiage. Switching to Buy Now will fix the quantity issue and will automatically take the customer to a checkout screen. Smiley Happy Click on Store>Setup>Checkout>Advanced to change from Add to Cart, to Buy Now.
Message 22 of 21

I am also trying to remove the quantity in the product page.

I have original paintings advertised, which looks odd with the "quantity" button showing.  There is only is one of each ? 

I have gone into setting and changed the advanced settings to "buy now"  but the "quantity" button remains ? Please help?

Message 22 of 21

I see what you mean. Thanks for bringing that up. You could manage the inventory for the items in your store. This will allow the user to only select the 1 item available. If you wanted to hide the quantity all together, you would need to add a css override to your site. I believe there's a few posts on this forum you can search for to hide the quantity box on the product details page. If you are not familiar with code, I would highly suggest staying out of the css/html theme area and looking for answers that provide a snippet of code that you can add to Settings>SEO>Header Smiley Happy 

Message 22 of 21

Found a link for you... you might want to read through the entire thread because it looks like a user in a similar situation was able to remove the quantity, but then saw the option on the checkout screen. All of the codes you see will go under Settings>SEO>Header. Start with this one, and then we will check the live site and go from there. Smiley Happy 


Message 22 of 21

I've been able to hide the quantity, but still haven't found a way to change the text on the add to cart button. I have seen several threads, but haven't seen a solution that works for my client's site. I just want the button to read "Purchase."
Message 22 of 21

Changing that is a lot more complicated because the HTML used for the add to cart button isn't included with theme partials. You'll basically need to go to the live site and copy all of the code for the add-to-cart button, edit it, then replace the {{ purchase_button }} mustache code with that code in the product partial. Definitely not something I would suggest doing unless you are pretty comfortable with HTML. I would also back up your theme first just to be safe.

Message 22 of 21

Hello - I also have the problem of needing to remove the "quantity" box as each item is unique. I tried going to Edit in settings>checkout  in and selected "Buy Now". I am unable to deselect the "add to cart" button, so end up with that and "buy now" selected. The result is that now I still have the quantity box and the adjacent button now says "unavailable".

I have online orders selected at the top of that same screen. However, I am only offering local pickup and delivery at the moment as I don't want to get into shipping items yet. Could this be a factor? I really don't want customers to think they can order multiples!

Thanks again for your help!

Message 22 of 21

Thanks for posting, @Sarahpotter.

When you say you tried to change the store mode to "buy now", are you saying that it didn't work for you? If it didn't can I try changing that for you?

By the way, I really like your ceramics!

Message 22 of 21


Thanks for your message and your positive feedback!
I don’t think this feature is working properly. It's impossible to deselect the “add to cart” button. When you select “Buy now”, you have both buttons selected and then can’t deselect either one. And the result is that my items still showed the quantity box but the button now said “unavailable”.
I like the idea of setting the inventory to 1 as a workaround, but would I have to do this item by item, or could I make this change across the board? I haven’t been able to see a way of doing this for all items at the same time. 
Thank you for offering to make the switch to “Buy now” for me. I might ask you do to this, although I do feel that ideally I want to be able to control what I see on my website and the changes I make. And I do think that there’s a problem with this feature that needs to be remedied - in an earlier post, your colleague Bernadette explains how to make this change, and makes it sound as if it can be done.
I don't do HTML; also I'm having a lot of trouble actually submitting this message - when I hit post, I just get the home page and am logged out.
Thank you for your attention and help - I really appreciate it!
Message 22 of 21

Oh, I see what the issue is. Buy now can only be used with shipping and you had pickup/delivery set up. It should have showed a warning about that rather than let you select both. If you disable Pickup/Delivery it will let you use that, assuming you don't want to actually offer pickup and delivery and just want to ship.

Message 22 of 21

Hi Adam -

I see, that sort of makes sense! Except I don't want to be involved in shipping yet, just local orders (i.e. pickup and delivery only...) So could you tell me if there's a way to globally change my inventory to one for each item, or do I need to go into each record individually?

Thanks again - you're so helpful and prompt with your responses, it's much appreciated!


Message 22 of 21

That makes sense. You can definitely change that in bulk - go to Items > Item Library and click the checkbox next to items. Once you do that you should see an option on the top of the list of items to change the fulfillment type. You can also change how many items are shown per page so you can do more at a time.

Message 22 of 21

That's great, thank you so much!


Message 22 of 21

Oh dear, I'm getting so frustrated! I decided to set my website to do shipping, but now it seems I can't do pickup and delivery as well. Is it really a case of either shipping OR pickup and delivery? I seem unable to switch back to pickup and delivery only - which I thought I had set up before I changed to do shipping. When I opened the website today, everything was marked "unavailable" with no pickup or delivery or shipping option. I wish this was a bit more straightforward - there seem to be a lot of conditions involved in checkout and delivery options.

Message 22 of 21

This has helped with the fulfillment options - I changed them this way and it worked. Thank you. 

Message 22 of 21

Do you still need assistance with your fulfillment options? Just wanted to make sure. Thanks!

Message 22 of 21

I just wrote another note - from what you had said, I thought I would be able to select "Buy Now" and get rid of the quantity box if I set up shipping. But no - it's impossible to deselect the "add to cart" button, so the quantity box remains, and I've lost the pickup and delivery options.

It's really important to me to be able to offer pickup and delivery - this is one of the reasons I chose Weebly as I'd been told you could only every offer shipping with with Etsy, for example. But this is driving me a little crazy now. I have shipping, (which I'm not necessarily ready for), I have the quantity box (which I definitely don't want) and now I have no pickup and delivery (which I've always wanted to be able to offer). Yikes.

Message 22 of 21

Oh, by the way, you could also track inventory on your items and set the inventory to 1 - that would prevent people from trying to order more than one of anything. It will also change the display of a product page to say there's only one left.

Message 22 of 21

Does this still work?  (June 19, 2021)

Message 22 of 21

Welcome, @Marlo. The method above likely still works for Weebly sites, but will not work with Square Online sites. I don't believe there's a way right now to hide the price on product pages with Square Online.

Message 22 of 21
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